The Trifecta!

November 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They said it couldn’t be done, but Steve King did it.



All three is one sentence: Racism, Homophobia and Misogyny!

Congratulations Steve King!  You are today’s winner at Republican Haters and Their Ilk.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Trifecta!”

  1. I’ve often wondered why this troglodyte’s words never seem to haunt him. He is a ready made poster child for any candidate running against him. Several years ago during the financial crisis and jobs were disappearing, he said that workers were just commodities, used when necessary, discarded when not. Then, the calves a big as cantaloupes, and on and on. He is as reprehensible as it gets, yet is reelected year after year. I simply do not understand humanity.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    In the chicken and egg debate tradition, who is the most insane? Idiots like Steve and Donnie or the people who vote for them …

  3. Like Donald Trump, Rep. Steve King is a Triple Threat: Crazy, Stupid, and Evil.

  4. dbtexas I live in Illinois and have been in IOWA many times. I have relation of Iowan extraction. Steve King is playing to his audience and the applause comes from the polling booth.

  5. This guy definitely has a clinker in his thinker! Too late to reform him. However, the way he got so mad at a questioner recently should give him least one more encrusted neurosis. And thats about all you can do with such people. Add on one encrusted neurosis after another until they sink from their own weight on dry land.

  6. King long ago hit the George Carlin trifecta: stupid, full of ****, and ****ing nuts. And I’m sure we can name some more people on that list. Gohmert would be one. (Y’all notice that there’s so much other garbage going on that we haven’t heard much from JJ about Louie in a good while?)

    George Carlin video, with dated names, is NOT for Mama:

  7. Lunargent says:

    Surly Prof –

    And yet the libs are supposedly the Deranged ones.

    The cops should have grabbed that woman up and driven her to the hospital for a drug screening/psych evaluation.


  8. Lunargent says:

    Crap! My last comment was supposed to go on rage next thread.
