The Triduum

March 29, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

So, just a programming note for those that regularly read this section. I am working with one good eye and have surgery planned in about a week. I mention that only to mention that I know there are grammatical errors and typos that are passing through. I literally cannot see them. I catch a few with the squiggly red lines, but some will get missed.

I am a fairly dedicated Catholic, but this is the first year I have participated in a Holy Thursday mass. Our parish actually has a tradition where the priest washes the feet of twelve regular church members that represent different eras of ministry and/or leadership. I was honored to be one of them this year.

Sacred scripture mentions Jesus washing the feet of his disciples before the last supper. The idea is that anyone that wants to exalt themselves will be humbled and anyone that humbles themselves will be exalted. I’m quite certain I’ve read that somewhere, but us Catholics have been accused of not knowing their Bible.

The triduum includes Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter vigil. The theme of threes continues as we see Jesus demonstrating love, humility, and service all at the same time. I couldn’t help but think of the current state of affairs in the presidential election.

Humanity is an imperfect thing. Everyone has at least one significant character flaw and Joe Biden is no different. This is often when we separate politicans and political stances with the actual quality of the person. George W. Bush did some very questionable things and that is probably putting it mildly. The same could be said about Barack Obama.

My regular readers know this already. This is more for those stumbling to this for the first time. Forget policy and ideology. I defy any of them to name one positive quality that Donald Trump possesses. You can’t. He’s not honest. He’s not humble. He’s not faithful. He’s not kind. He’s not giving or generous. He’s not just. He’s not wise or intelligent. He is not compassionate or empathetic. He’s not courageous or selfless.

Setting aside politics, I could identify some of those qualities in every president in our history. Even then ones we might decry as ineffective, corrupt, or both have some of these qualities. It can be difficult to separate the man from what the man does. Sometimes we aren’t meant to, but Bush II had a genuine conversion experience. He was faithful and on balance a good man outside the political arena.

The exact same things could be said of Barack Obama. It is not a coincidence that the Bushes and Obamas got along so well after both left office. I can’t imagine any past president spending any time with Trump willingly. There is certainly an importance in what people believe and what values they bring to the party. There is also an importance in whether any particular candidate is a good and honest person when you ask them to make a crucial decision under pressure.

Politicians have made a lot of hay around the so-called 3 AM phone call question. Yes, the Biden team has an issue here with their candidate being even slightly off his game. I just don’t see how anyone can feel comfortable with Trump on the other end. I’m just not seeing it. I don’t get it. Maybe a Trump voter can come in and explain it to me.

0 Comments to “The Triduum”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Nick, seriously, I hope your eye surgery goes well.
    I will say concerning trumpf, in the week when he said the Bible is his favorite book while hoching them for his profit, I believe if he even reads a book, his favorite is Mein Kampf. Maybe his daddy read it to him.
    There’s plenty of reasons why he has already been rated as the worst president ever.

  2. Hope your surgery goes well Nick, and is completely successful.
    Let’s see if Trump shows up anywhere for Easter services. And is asked to read some of his favorite passages from the Bible. Maybe he’ll explain things, like his version of why the crucifixion is called Good Friday.

  3. thatotherjean says:

    All good wishes for the skill of your surgeons and the complete success of your eye surgery, Nick. Take care.

    I try to look for redeeming qualities, even in people I would never willingly hang around. I just can’t find them in Donald Trump.

  4. slipstream says:

    Nick, you can’t think of one positive quality that Donald Trump possesses? Seriously?

    He excels at cheating at golf. And marriage. And business deals. And . . . just about everything.

  5. Jean, I never thought that I could ever despise a president more than Nixon. I was wrong. At least I believe RMN was a good and loving husband and father. Searching for the silver lining.

  6. Nick, I also send best wishes for a successful surgery. I worked for an ophthalmologist in the 90s. Follow your doctor’s post surgery instructions for a good outcome. Not like my neighbor who was told not to do any bending and was spotted the next day on her roof cleaning out the rain gutters.

    Donald Trump is a horrible human being. Full stop.

  7. slipstream says:

    TTPT: I agree with the “horrible” part, but I’m not sure about the “human being” part.

  8. Malarkey says:

    Best wishes for your surgery, Nick.

    Another thing of which I’m fairly certain is that any priest or minister worth their salt would wash DJT’s feet, regardless of how poor an example he is of humanity.
