The Timeline

July 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Washington Post has a very cool timeline of the Russian meeting.  If you look at Donald Trump’s tweets and pronouncements before and after the meeting, it is obvious that he knew exactly what was going on.

I have an image of The Three Clown Boys getting on the elevator immediately after the meeting, going one flight up and skipping down the hall, spattering buckets of entitlement on the walls, to tell Trump what had happened.

Trump knew and he tweeted it.

Drip.  Drip.  Drip.

Anybody wanna guess what’s gonna drop next?


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0 Comments to “The Timeline”

  1. What drops next? In olden days it would have been the trap door under somebody’s feet.

  2. As I told Brian at “Why Now”

    And to distract us from the piddle puddle of drips Drumpf will now have Gen. Brooks place his command on high alert while running a provocative naval excercise near north Korea.


  3. It works the other way too– I’d lay money that somebody told Donnie that now, while everybody is staring at this dumpster fire train wreck, would be a good time to appoint this racist to his vote-fraud-fantasy disenfranchisement panel:

  4. I can’t get past the paywall. Any alternate link?

  5. Sorry, didn’t know there was a paywall for a single article. Not sure how else to get there, though going via a search engine may work. I use rather than Google. (You make a tiny donation to the charity of your choice with each search.)

    Try these:

    Don’t know anything about the last two sources; they came up on GoodSearch. I suspect it’s mostly the lefty press paying attention to this.

  6. Rhea, if I were on the nominee list for any damn thing in this administration, I would suddenly develop a case of family needs me now more than ever and glide backwards through the nearest door whilst covering my most vulnerable spots. The only exemption I would allow is Wray who has spent today in front of a committee. The FBI does need somebody at the top, preferably someone with actual FBI experience and someone who has stated publicly that he would never be alone in a room with Trump. As for a sitting admiral/general, it wouldn’t hurt one little bit to be somewhere they couldn’t be reached by any sort of communication device considering the predilection of the Barking Yam for creating diversions. They would actually be doing this country a favor.
