The Texas Democratic Party Platform

June 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I am so proud of Bubba’s work on this.  It is an amazing platform for Texas Democrats.  Click here and let these words soothe your soul.

Bubba’s big issues were: repeal the death penalty, decriminalization of marijuana, and marriage equality.   All three are in there and Bubba is content with the world for a full day before he starts hitting the ground to elect Democrats in Texas to get it implemented.  He did this in honor of his son and I know Chip is grinning today.

A big ole sloppy hug to SDEC member JC Dufresne for his amazing work on marriage equality and his non-stop push for all things progressive.

Texas Democrats:  Damn, We’re Even Better Than Good!

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Texas Democratic Party Platform”

  1. Elise Von Holten says:

    You have every reason to be proud!
    I am going to show this to my Democratic group here in Syracuse–Dang!
    Well said! Well said!!
    Haven’t heard of JC Dufresne before–but if you are sloppy hugging that’s good enough for me–well done!

  2. mollusk says:

    Y’all’ve got a couple extra stars….that are very much in your favorite color (shiny, for those who weren’t paying attention earlier). Thank you, and let’s get after those lyin’ scoundrels.

  3. Bo Leeyeau says:


    Gonna take my time and read it real slow so that it’ll sink in. Makes me proud to be a liberal.

  4. WhitesCreek says:

    I am totally stealing this!

  5. Congrats! Very well done. I have only one quibble. Bi-lingual teaching. Now before y’all get your knickers in a twist hear me out. I took three years of Spanish in HS way back when. I got lucky for first year. Our shop teacher was bi-lingual and got stuck teaching Spanish. We all walked into Mr. Sorriano’s class and the first thing we were told was ‘no English’. His was the only Spanish that stuck. The young might lag behind for a bit but it won’t be for long if they also are told ‘no Spanish’ and given a bit of extra help. I would also like to see required from K-garten on that Spanish be required. Yes I know that there are lots of other languages but Spanish is the second most spoken and that is the majority language closest to us. They get to HS they can choose to learn another language.

  6. Bud Malone says:

    Congratulations, Bubba. A fine work product. Was there unanimity or were there the usual “that’s too extreme” folks?

  7. Gramiam says:

    Bubba ROCKS! makes me want to move back to Texas! Only after Rick Perry has been booted on down the road, of course.

  8. I’ve been bragging on y’all all weekend! Up here in Pittsburgh, where they are still slack-jawed in disbelief.

    Show ’em, Bubba and Susan!

  9. Juanita Jean says:

    Whoa, whoa, whoa.

    Y’all, Bubba is upset with me. He wants y’all to know that this was a shared accomplishment with many people working together not caring who got the credit. I just said I was proud of Bubba because he wrote some of it and I do adore that man. I am also proud of a whole mess of other people. JC explains it much better than I do.

  10. TexasEllen says:

    Everybody who worked to make this year’s platform a PROGRESSIVE document gets a big ol’ hug from me.

    Time is long past when the platform had any need to pass the offend no one, persuade no one test. That didn’t work worth a damn.

  11. Thank you….. to everybody who made this possible. Thanks to all who did the really hard work, and to quote JJ…. the heavy lifting….. that it took to get this done.

    I’m just so damned proud that Democrats stand for equality and opportunity for all.

    And they ain’t scared to put it in writing.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Y’all gonna haul in your relatives from other states to help campaign here in Texas and give money, right?

  13. gabberflasted says:

    TexasEllen, you could add to your comment, ‘offend no one,’ ‘persuade no one;’ I would suggest, ‘impress no one.’

  14. MCPO RET says:

    I gotta idea.
    Get Sean Hubbard to read this document at town hall meetings all over East Texas.
    Post adds on fence post and billboards with his name on ’em.
    The goobers will think it’s Sean Hannity and will learn something about real Democrats.

  15. Thanks for the kind words, Bubba’s right, it was a team effort. I was absolutely stunned that there wasn’t a fight. I’d been asked privately by someone in leadership to compromise on repeal of the death penalty and legalizing marijuana because that person was afraid a fight might doom getting marriage equality on the platform. I’m not the world’s greatest negotiator but I did learn one thing from Saul Alinsky and that’s never pre-emptively compromise even though you may need to compromise in the end. We accepted some modifications to the marijuana plank like calling it decriminalization but hey that’s still a giant step in the right direction. Now if only we could teach President Obama that lesson.
