The Texas Crazy Lotto: If You Scratch Off Three Ted Cruzes or Louie Gohmerts in a Row, You Win a Week at Rush Limbaugh’s House. Second Prize? Two Weeks At Rush Limbaugh’s House.

January 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you thought it could not get crazier than Louie Gohmert, we elect Senator Ted Cruz from Texas.  It’s kinda like pushing the REFRESH button at, which is not a real website but is certainly a lost opportunity for some energetic entrepreneur.

Ted Cruz, who never served his country even one day in uniform,  has up and decided that John Kerry and Chuck Hagel are “less than ardent fans of the U.S. military.”

Hagel, a former Republican senator who Obama nominated for secretary of defense, and Kerry, a Democratic senator and nominee for secretary of state, both served in the Vietnam War. Hagel received two Purple Hearts; Kerry received three and a Silver Star and a Bronze Star.

Cruz must really hate the military because he sat on his patootie during the Gulf War when he was eligible to enlist.

And, bless his heart, he never took a history class because his idea of smart is to quote Spiro T. Agnew’s “nattering nabobs” in reference to Ronald Regan’s administration.   Hey, for Cruz, that’s an improvement – he was only off by a couple of decades.

I will promise you that if Ted Cruz and Rand Paul ever serve on a committee together, we will know that the Mayan prophecy was just a few years off.

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