The Supremes Say Nope to Gerrymandering

March 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Supremes – by a 5-4 vote with Anthony Kennedy siding with the good guys – saying that the Aladamnbama redistricting upheld by a lower court is wrong, wrong, wrong.

A closely divided U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out a lower court ruling that upheld a state legislature redistricting plan in Alabama that packed black voters into certain districts in a way critics say diminished their clout at the polls.

Of course, the bad dudes on the court think we should go back to literacy tests and poll taxes.

This is the case we here in Texas have been waiting for.  We are redistricted in that way, too.



Yeah, that makes sense.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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