The Sound of Fingers Drumming Against a Desk Top

June 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

GOP congressfools are sitting around twiddling their thumbs, waiting for Mitt Romney to get a new position on immigration.  This will be … what?… his third or fourth position?

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday he and most other Republican senators will hold off commenting on the merits of President Obama’s new immigration policy until Mitt Romney makes his position clear in a speech scheduled Thursday to a group of Latino elected officials.

I guess Mitt just figured immigration would never come up in this Presidential campaign.  So, to figure out what he thinks about it, he had to commission a poll, then they had to analyze the results of the poll, and then someone had to write the position paper, and then Rush Limbaugh had to approve it and add suggestions,  and then it had to go for a rewrite, and then just to make sure, they ran another poll just in case everybody had changed their minds by now, and then there’s that whole Rush Limbaugh thing again and that dude is so stoned that it takes him for-ever to read something, and then they had to write a flip flop for next week, and then John Boehner got some orange crap all over the paper so they had to print it again, and then the sound of fingers drumming on a desk became the sound of heads banging against the wall, and then — tada!  Mitt Romney has a position.  For now.  Who the hell knows what his position will be tomorrow?

So, the entire GOP position on immigration is being decided by some guy in Iowa with a land line who got called at dinner time and asked what he thinks about Mexicans by a pollster who just barely speaks English.

And that, y’all, is GOP leadership.

Oh yeah, and I forgot the part where they have to make sure that Sean Hannity can pronounce all the words in the position paper.

Thanks to David for the good link.

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0 Comments to “The Sound of Fingers Drumming Against a Desk Top”

  1. I predict this will be the first of many “we are waiting on Mitt” messages from GOP representatives. As McConnell said, “he is the leader of our party now, at least until the election.”

    I believe that the 1st level of Hell will be damn chilly before they have a position they can ride the coattails of for any distance.

  2. :::BLINK::: Senators elected by the people are waiting until a presidential candidate tells them what their policy is going to be?? WTF? Sorry Miss Juanita’s Mama I’m going to go get the Ivory.

  3. Romney is a leader alright. Before he can answer a question, he has to talk to others in the GOP and conduct polls before he can come up with a response. If PBO were asked about anything, he could provide an answer on the spot, but not Romney. He refused to answer the immigration question four times in his MTP interview on Sunday. I don’t know exactly what Romney’s going to say on Thursday, but whatever it is, it will not reveal how he really feels. It will be something that satisfies GOP members, and it will be critical of the president’s attempt to implement parts of the DREAM Act. He can’t afford to offend them because iirc, 56% of them oppose the prosecutorial discretion memo the president sent to DHS.

  4. Jose Orta says:

    He says he will Veto the Dream Act and people should self-deport. Mitt has little wiggle room here. He’s stuck in his own self-made muck. Oops!

  5. Think about this – Mitt cannot come up with a simple yes or no on the subject of immigration, so what do you think he would have done with the question posed to Obama e.g.
    Do we go in for the kill and get Bin Laden?

  6. No One's Puppet says:

    Thanks for the laugh, problem is, I realize I really should be crying. To think that one of the major political parties of my country is led by this degenerated pack of fools. Scary!

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    One of the funniest, and probably most accurate, things I’ve read this year.

    I cannot understand how people could even consider voting for Mitt Romney. There’s nothing there. Nothing.

    Except 10 years of tax returns I wanna see before the Fall.

  8. daChipster says:

    Mitch’s eyebrows will grow back before Mitt shows anything approaching “leadership.”

    All this evasion, even on FAUX News, is a real head scratcher. It shows how poorly Team Romney is organized. A good team would have had a poll in the field within the hour after Obama’s announcment. Failing that, they should have had some older DREAM Act data in a binder somewhere, especially with Rubio as a VP contender. Romney should have been told what his position on this was by Saturday night at the latest.

    Perhaps the weather vane is not as perfectly oiled as his fellow Republicans said he was.

    Or maybe his folks realize what a disaster he’d be as President and they’re just phoning the job in.

    For the President,this was a brilliant move on so many levels:

    1) it was the right thing to do
    2) it forestalls Rubio’s initiative
    3) it shores up the Hispanic vote in key swing states like FL, NV, CO and NM
    4) it shores up the young vote from friends of these 900,000
    5) it makes 900,000 young people more likely to volunteer for him, too, even if they can’t vote
    6) it makes Romney have to address the issue, or… not, as we’re seeing, which is even worse for him
    7) it plays up the do-nothing Congress
    8) Did I mention it’s the right thing to do? That bears repeating.
    9) It’s very popular in polling

    I wonder how many of those “Hispanic” Asian kids from the GOP website were affected?

  9. BarbinDC says:

    If anybody ever needed more proof that Mittens is an empty suit, then here it is. He wouldn’t recognize an intellectual conviction if it slapped him in the face. And to think that this election is going to be so close–makes me want to take to my bed on a permanent basis. As it is, I’m trying to stay out of the fetal position.

  10. You forgot to add that whatever comes forth from his lips, there won’t be a lick of truth in it. Republican/Teabaggers don’t use truth anymore.

  11. ks sunflower says:

    Thanks for the laugh. I’ say more but No One’s Puppet said it best for me. Laughing wildly until it hits you what it is so scary. Thanks No One’s Puppet and Juanita.

  12. ks sunflower says:

    Goodness gracious, should never type when laughing – here’s what I meant to say:

    Thanks for the laugh. I’d say more, but No One’s Puppet said it best for me. Laughing wildly until it hits why it is so scary. Thanks No One’s Puppet.

    Sorry for not paying closer attention in the first place, but this post really cracked me up – and all the great comments.

  13. I don’t know what Mittens position is going to be…. but I know this….. for a fact…… if someone is willing to fight and die for this country…… there should NOT be a problem in making him/her… a citizen.

    If a child is brought here, at a young age by his/her parents, through no fault of their own, and has been a credit to this country ……. they should not be deported.

    It’s a no brainer.

    Doesn’t take endless polls, focus groups, and what not….. what it takes is common sense….

    And…. that seems to be in short supply among Republicans in general…… in Romney, in particular.

  14. Bravo, Miss JJ and all the commenters. Y’all have covered it so well.

    If Willard got the 3am call, it would be from a consortium of corporate raiders who would tell him what to do, the raiders having call forwarded all the WH phone lines to their lair.

    I have never seen a picture of Willard with a smart phone. An ipad – yes, but is he allowed to have a phone of his own?

  15. He’s got more positions than the Karma Sutra.

  16. Bob Boland says:

    What’s really scary is that, without the immigrants – legal or illegal, our population would be dropping just like in Europe. Without the young people coming in or being born here, we will be minus the folks that we baby boomers are going to need, both for their contributions to SS and their professional care. We’re going to need a lot of health care professionals to care for the tens of millions of us retiring between now and twenty years from now.

  17. aggieland liz says:

    Yeah, Carol, but the Karma Sutra positions are exciting, or at least interesting…

  18. aggieland liz says:

    Oops, speaking of karma, that’s Kama Sutra I think but I am only on my second cup of coffee, too!

  19. Peggy Mitchell says:

    I just found this site this evening. I have been reading all the posts and every reply. HOLY CRAP I haven’t giggled this much is a month of Sundays! I’m 61 yrs old and 30 min of laughing like this is worth 3 hours of sex!
    You have gained another FAN Juanita Jean!
