The Slide into Fascism, Day 30
Looking back at history, Hitler went from newly elected Chancellor to absolute dictator over Germany in 53 days in early 1933. After ranting during his campaigns about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of Germans, Hitler also promised to “drain the swamp” of the Reichstag. Sound familiar? After being appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg, he immediately began consolidating power in the Reichstag to pass a law that nullified the German constitution and accrued power to himself. He called for new Reichstag elections, but finally decided that the only way to control the body was to ban the Communist Party, Social Democrats, and Jews. By doing this, holding only 37% of the seats in the Reichstag, he took control and passed the “empowering” law that destroyed the German constitutional government. He then started killing political opponents and declaring war on nearby countries.
This morning, fucking Donald Trump blamed Zelenskyy for Russia invading Ukraine, lied about Zelenskyy’s polling and called him a “dictator”. This is right down the middle with Hitler, using the same language, the same accusations. If the goddam Republicans don’t get off their fat asses and start doing their fucking jobs, this is going to be over, and we’ll start seeing bodies in the streets. At this point Europe has no choice but to abandon the US as an ally and go it alone.
All the red lights continue to flash and now the sirens are sounding. Hey John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, where the fuck are you? Are you going to do anything besides kiss Trump’s ass?
Repugnantican congress critters are only interested in one thing- keeping their power at any cost. Thus, they get on their knees and kiss trumpF’s big orange butt and suck up to the magat cult.
Besides his absolute moves to become a fascist dictator (and king), he’s destroying our alliances that kept us from another WW. This from Raw Stand msnbc:
Retired General Barry McCaffrey said he thinks that after 76 years, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, known as NATO, is “over.”
1Speaking on an MSNBC panel of foreign policy experts about President Donald Trump blaming Ukraine for Russia invading their border, McCaffrey lamented that he fears war is coming.
“Unfortunately, my own view is the damage is done,” he said of Trump’s failures in foreign policy. “It’s now irrevocable. There’s not a shred of rational argument among European powers to trust the United States’ commitment to NATO and Article Five.”
From Raw Story and msnbc is what I tried to write.
2And the more he cozies up to Puti-pie, the more his cognitive problems stand out like socks on a rooster! Unfortunately, way too many of us in this country have someone in the family that is doo-lallie, the one everyone else makes excuses for such as Uncle Cletus or even Aunt Ulalia.they were once like a centerpiece at different occasions, and when they were put somewhere similar to a gated community they still managed to make it to the table for Thanksgiving dinner where everyone else talked so loud Cletus and Ulalia couldn’t be heard! Shucks, then they got their own “megaphones” and romped wild.
3El Jefe,
4Your topic title “Slide Into Fascism” might be too polite.
After King Donald the First crowned himself today, and announced Long Live the King, to himself, our descent is full speed ahead.
Time to write your Congress people and senators. They think we like Trump.
5Crone @6, My Senators are Fled Cruz and Jakeleg Cornyn, it’s completely pointless to attempt a rational exchange with them.
And the same with my US Representative, who is now a Rethug female, Monica de la Cruz (first R to ever hold the District).
The Democrats practically gave the seat away; in a hugely Hispanic, formerly Democratic, fajita strip District that runs from the Rio Grande to nearly Austin. In the 2024 election the District went Rethuglikkkan across the board.
A very bad sign of how the Texas Democratic Party might be working.
I really wish it were different, as a staunch Democrat since the ’60s.
6Addendum to my comment above:
Probably a big part of the massive flip of TX-15 was likely a Democratic voter turnout problem.
This District is solidly Hispanic, but the northern counties in the fajita strip have many conservative Anglos. With low Hispanic turnout in the rest of the District down to the Rio Grande, it got flipped. Although many Hispanics are now flipping R too.
7As many have pointed out, one factor is that people think rumors on social media are a reliable news source. So long as people think bot-fueled propaganda is accurate news, and the right wing media tells it like it is, the propaganda will rule.
8Nevillechamberpotdrumpf rails about workers working remotely when he isn’t remotely working, spending half or more of his presidency at mara-shithole and golfing.His press spokesliar lying liar leavitt repeated the debunked claims that 150 y/os and 10s of millions of dead people are collecting SS checks.
9Of concern to all females, especially those in Texas…
Thanks fascist magats.
10No one is coming to save us. Conservatives have been tirelessly working toward and preying for this day of complete control and dominance for years. Finally their savior has arrived to rescue them from the godless Liberals and ‘the Others’ and restore white entitlement to it’s proper supreme place.
11Lex, I fear you are absolutely correct. On top of that, we have the bunch of muskoterrors, a cabinet of complete unqualified idiots (which of course was always the project 2025 chaos plan), advisors like stephen miller and others, and putin in his ear. Whatever deranged thought, lie or hallucination comes into trumpF’s infected brain becomes marching orders for repugnantican congress critters, and the federalist supremes are worthless if not complicit. What could possibly go wrong.
12Thanks Steve from Beaverton, you as well!
13IMO his first purge purpose is to shut down all forms of information and dissent, while installing loyalists.etc. Not to mention ..
‘Trump’s Chaos Draws Directly From Project 2025’
OT, sort of. For anyone thinking mitch mconnel all of a sudden got a conscience. No. No, he thinks coming out against trumpF is his redemption. Not even close. Way too fucking little and late.
14Kind of off topic, I’ve lurked here for… too many years to count, but i don’t often say much. I wanted to thank El Jefe for keeping the lights on, and i wanted to be sure to post so that if Eloon takes names from this site I make the list. Keep up the good fight and get in good trouble, youall!
15McCTurtlefuckfce will always be remembered as the thug behind packing the courts with unqualified magat judges and for stealing 2 scotus seats from Dem presidents.
Yesterday he voted with all other magat sinators, except rand paul, to increase spending by 340 billion, cut billionire taxes by 4.5 trillion, raise the debt limit by 4 trillion, etc.
17This morning, Jeff Tiedrich shared the email address federal employees are supposed to use to respond to elon muskrat justifying their jobs. He also shared some examples of people using it facetiously to respond. He hoped thousands of people wouldn’t (right) flood their email with stuff they did. I’m thinking of doing it. Here’s the link- Smiley face
18So elongated skum issues a directive for all federal employees to email him and defend their jobs r else get fird. nevillechamberpotdrumpf tells employs nbot to email and they won’t get fired. elongated skum comes back with a second demad for employees to comply.
So I wonder who is running America? Is it nevillecham berpotdrumpf? Is it elongated skum? Or is it Putie Pie through back channels?
19Here’s trumpF’s response to swastikar guy’s request for what he did last week:
Guess he forgot about his daydreams of his russki putie pooh.
20Wait till Elise Stefanik gets to the UN.
21Mike @ 20,
22Of course it’s E.Loon.Scum. T**** is no longer making the decisions, He’s just rubber stamping all of it and the GOP is genuflecting to their bloated orange idol’s demands. I read the GOP has now decided no to hold town halls. Eventually, all of this isn’t going to end pretty.
If you’re offended by Jeff Tiedrich’s language, just zero in on the AI generated picture TrumpF posted last night. It’s his dream of what Gaza should be- a shrine to him. It’s disgusting but what would you expect from his psychotic malignant narcissistic mind?
23Actually, check out the whole thing- it’s cringy cringy creepy stuff.
24elongated skum has a case in Wisconsin headed to the supreme court so he and an associated pac are pouring money into the race trying to buy a magat majority so he can prevail.
25Here are “The 14 points of Fascism!”
Here’s what Fascist governments do!
26What’s next? In the last 2 weeks, he and his 2nd string VP blew up our decades old relationship with our EU allies and NATO, embarrassed us with the Prime Minister of the UK yesterday, all but saying good luck defending yourself against russia without the US, and today? TrumpF and vance literally yell at Zelensky in the oval office while allowing the russian press in (by “error”- sure). Are magats blind, deaf or dumb? What’s next?
27A Ph.D. student from my old department contacted me yesterday. Started by saying “I don’t get involved in politics, but …” and ended up telling me that she would not have financial support next year. I bit back the prompt reply “Even if you aren’t, politics is involved in you.”
Instead I toned it down to “You are involved with politics, and failing to vote is the involvement you’ve chosen.” But there’s not much I can do to help her; all of my grants expired four years ago. The best advice I could come up with was to apply for admission and support overseas. The list I came up with was England, Scotland, France, Sweden, and Germany if she knew the language. While I have good contacts in Canada, right now there’s no hope of an offer of admission, much less support. Trump has certainly helped unite that country against us.
Then it really hit me: the US has gotten the very best grad students from Europe and Asia for over 50 years, but now I’m recommending a US citizen apply anywhere but the US. Even if the Orange BlobButt keels over and Vance takes over, it will be decades before the US research and scientific community can recover. It’s a deep pipeline, and four years from now it will take at least 12 years to get it going again.
I’m well aware that cutting off the CDC, Medicaid, SNAP, Social Security, etc. will lead to immediate hardships and even deaths. So worrying about research may sound short-sighted and selfish. But in keeping with our history motif lately, don’t forget that the Manhatten Project succeeded in part because the US got 13 Nobel Prize winners that had to flee Europe starting in the 1930s. Although Groves and Oppenheimer justly get credit, I believe without Fermi and von Neumann it would have taken years longer (and my father would likely have died in the invasian of Japan).
28I have cancer.
Trump has hobbled federal cancer research.
Trump wants me to die.
29You have cancer, Slipstream?
30Trump’s description of our government more aptly fits himself and his minions: Fat, bloated and extremely disgusting!
31I do not intend to body shame anyone except the wealthy billionaires who live high off the hog and cut aid to the poor, sick and elderly.