The Single Most Disgusting Thing Yet

May 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know that piñata you got for your kid’s birthday party?  Trite, cheap, and lowbrow.


Donald Trump knows how to entertain!

Speaking at some fancy pants conservative think tank thing, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross recalled his time at Mar-a-Lago with the Chinese president.

“Just as dessert was being served, the president explained to Mr. Xi he had something he wanted to tell him, which was the launching of 59 missiles into Syria,” Ross said. “It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment.”

As the crowd laughed, Ross added: “The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”

And tonight’s after dinner entertainment will be watching Arkansas execute prisoners.

And as a small aside, I fret when the Commerce Secretary thinks missiles are free.  On the other hand, I am pretty certain that it didn’t cost Trump anything since he doesn’t pay taxes.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Single Most Disgusting Thing Yet”

  1. Although these businessmen now serving as Secretary of this or that likely knew how much more profit they would make if they saved the cost of a nickel nut and bolt on every assembly on of their plants produced, as Drumpfians they have not brought the same fiscal hard-headedness to their new offices. In fact Wilbur sounded positively giddy in the re-telling of this story, all the while not calculating the cost of one missile multiplied by 59. I’m only a cost accounting amateur, but shouldn’t DoD charge back the cost of the missiles to the White House “cost center”? Maybe next budget the WH can budget for say 90 missiles to fire off as needed. And pay DoD to safely warehouse them until the WH calls.

  2. When I read about this, it made me sick. It has disgusted me more than I can say.

  3. two crows says:

    I believe this presages even more. Every time Tweety tosses some missiles or threatens Kim, his ratings go up. So what’s next? Here’s what:

    During all this talk of – 100 days this and 100 days that – some pundits have been saying, “Well, yes, 100 days IS an arbitrary marker. After all, the Cuban Missile Crisis happened
    after Kennedy’s 100th day. And 9/11 happened after Bush’s 100th day.”

    To which my reply is, “DON’T TEMPT HIM! Tweety will take those sorts of statements as SUGGESTIONS!”
    1] Create a crisis 2] Handle it adeptly [just as if he could do anything of the sort] and 3] sit back and watch his ratings soar.

    Stop talking about how crises catapulted former presidents into star status. Just stop it.

  4. And Nero fiddles at Mara lago and eats lavishly while he watches death and explosions….smh.

  5. In a world… where Donald Trump is president… only one director can bring you the the shock, the awe, the never ending explosions… Michael Bay presents:

    Thunder Over the Desert, Thunder Over Dessert

  6. Neighborm says:

    And, even if something did cost Trump, he’d find a way to charge it back 5 fold. Thieves – all of them.

  7. I so hate that f**ked up, insane bugger.

  8. maggie says:

    This is sounding more and more like a mix of the typical after dinner badinage among the aristocracy just before the French Revolution mixed with those crazy scenes of Jabba the Hutt from that Star Wars movie. France went crazy with revolution and Jabba ended badly as well. And no, I am not surprised that CJ would dribble such things. Shocked? I am damn near desensitized inasmuch as that is just about all he damn does.

  9. Tilphousia says:

    Nausea. That’s the reaction. But the most well said reaction was from a Veteran group. They were angrier than I’ve ever seen stating that “fat old rich men who never served have NO RIGHT to use the men and women of our Armed Forces as entertainment. ”
    I agree. I say send the fat old white guys to the front line and see how they like being shot apart. Can’t wait to see craven cowards like traitor trump, Bannon, McConnell Ryan er all run while soiling their pants.

  10. Lunargent says:

    “After-dinner entertainment”.

    Because Trump is too damned cheap to hire a piano player, or something?

    This is beyond callous. Beyond perverse. It’s fu^?<}g depraved.

  11. elise from CA says:

    This has echoes of the W quote wherein he was “searching” for weapons of mass destruction at a Correspondents dinner back in the day. Equally tasteless and callous.

    These quotes provide a window into the shrunken souls of a certain segment of the “elite” and reveal how little they care about the consequences of their actions, at least on the peasantry.
