The (Short) Career of Alex Jones in Photos

June 10, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Speaking of blowhards, did you know that Alex Jones has agreed to liquidate his assets and pay the $1.4 billion that he owes to the parents of Sandy Hook victims? NPR has it here.

Is this the end of a very short career of lies, hate, grift, and conspiracy? Only time will tell. My one hope is that he doesn’t experience a resurgence in popularity when President Enrico Tarrio presents him with a Medal of Freedom at his 2044 State of the Union Address.

But seriously, here is a compendium of photos to mark the high- and lowlights of the passage of Alex’s time of celebrity on this mortal coil.

Here is Alex Jones at his first gig in Waco at the ruins of the Branch Davidian complex just after he accosted a CBS reporter who Alex thought was an FBI agent.

Here is Alex Jones at his desk during his stint as an Austin Access television commenter and later, a KJFK radio host before he was fired.

Here is Alex Jones as a feature in a 2009 documentary film about conspiracy theorists

Not to be mistaken for the previous WWE group of the same name.

Here is Alex Jones in his ursine display of personal health hawking Anthroplex for $29.99 a bottle. (It’s got zinc!)

Here is Alex Jones spewing outright lies and hatred on a megaphone in Newtown, Connecticut.

Here is Alex Jones awarding attorney Mark Bankston his “Perry Mason Moment” during his testimony in court.

Here is Alex Jones experiencing Chapter 7 in a tearless crying jag on TV last Saturday.

And here is the UK’s version of Alex Jones (Charlotte Alexandra Jones). She’s a nice woman who presents on the BBC.


No relation.


0 Comments to “The (Short) Career of Alex Jones in Photos”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The steroid maniac. They really need to check what’s really in his head when he passes.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Has anyone noticed that once Rush Limbaugh died, nothing changed? Somebody is gonna pop up and replace this fool.

  3. “ short career of lies, hate, grift, and conspiracy”

    Not short enough.
    When measured by the amount of stupidity per hour he spouted in his time on the air it might be some kind of Guinness Book Of World Record.

  4. If he`s willing to pay $1.4 Billion, the other $10 Billion is in offshore bank accounts .

  5. Karen Crosby says:

    Thanks for this line up!

  6. To paraphrase an old saying, “I’ll believe it when I, rather than see it, never hear his voice again.”

    Another saying says ‘only the good die young’. I hope I’m wrong, but that putrid mass of manure will probably be around us for a long time, once he morphs into his next hideous form.

    He is one of the few select humans in the world where mankind would be far better off had his mother not conceived. I would love to know what kind of a childhood he had to produce the person he is today. We know why Trump is why he is.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    The less I see or hear of Alex Jones in the future, the happier I will be. Pay the money you owe to the parents and survivors of Sandy Hook, Alex, and take your hatred and stupidity far, far away.
