The Selloff Begins

June 01, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

What do you do when a bill for half a billion samoleons crosses your gilded desk? Just as much as can do with a retired federal judge looking over your shoulder, apparently.

Retired federal judge Barbara Jones has been tagged with the task of overseeing TFG’s (The Felonious Guy’s) finances since 2022. She has purview over “any transfers above $5 million”.

You can sell anything, just keep it under 5 mil.

So when you sell your 27-year old Cessna Citation X 9-passenger executive jet, and you don’t want to file a report with Judge Jones, you got to keep it under the limit, right?

No problem. All you have to do is sell it to one of your major donors for the fire sale price of $2.5 million, as reported here.

MM Fleet Holdings out of Farmer’s Branch, Texas bought The Felon’s Junior Jet, serial number 750-0023, in March 2024. The buying agent is Mehrdad Moayedi, who is president and CEO of Centurion American Development Group, which has the same Farmer’s Branch address. Like TFG, Moayedi is a real estate developer. Unlike TFG, Moayedi has never declared bankruptcy.

But among Moayedi’s 241 political contributions, he has contributed $245,000 to Trump Victory PAC from 2019 to 2020 and $2,800 times two to the campaign in 2019.

2.5 mil for a Cessna Citation is a pretty sweet deal when you think of it. EVO Jets estimates the value of the jet as somewhere between $9 and $10 million.

I guess it’s just a little odd, though, that the plane is still listed, at this writing, as one of The Felon’s fleet on the Trump Aviation website (scroll to the bottom).

0 Comments to “The Selloff Begins”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    How much did the hazmat team charge to remove the filled diaper aroma?

  2. Money laundering situation .

  3. BarbinDC says:

    He never learns. A leopard doesn’t change it’s spots.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    Nothing suspicious about that. Nothing at all! Oh, look—squirrel!

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    A fraudster always frauds. This is just one tip of many icebergs.

  6. BFSMabn says:

    Welp, I couldn’t help myself. I took a look at the Trump aviation web page, and boy howdy, was I impressed! I sure wish I had the bucks to take a ride in one of those magnificent and beautiful mansions of the sky. Just imagine flying into a podunk airport in an airplane that had ‘TRUMP’ emblazened on

  7. … the side.

    (I pressed the Submit button by accident…)

  8. rastybob says:

    New GOP AD.{ Vote for the Poopy Pants Felon }

  9. Hey, there is a realtor in my area who will buy your house, let you live in it rent free, pack you stuff for free and even truck yourself and stuff over to another address. Does this sound even faintly familiar?

  10. Ted, not Cruz says:

    But, ETTD. After Trump has used, but not maintained, the plane it might not be worth much. He has at least one old jet that won’t pass inspection for flight.

  11. Maggie @)
    9, Never ever trust a ‘realtor’. Never.met one yet who wasn’t a fraudster underneath.

    Ted, not Cruz @10, Cue up the picture of the tRump plane with the failed nosegear and tail reaching for the sky.
    The FAA should keep tabs on the aircrafts routine maintenance, and ground it If lacking.
    We don’t care if Air T falls out of the sky, but it’s what’s below that counts.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And a fraudster will also attempt to influence witnesses of his criming ways-

  13. Ted, not Cruz says:

    Cambridge at #11: I don’t think anything is beneath Trump.

  14. Ted, not Cruz says:

    Sorry , that should have been Sandridge, not Cambridge.

  15. Grandma Ada says:

    I’ve long thought that tfg is moving money offshore, in case he needs to move. Some regular donor buys a “deal” in USD and then sends $$ to an offshore account. Easy peasy.
