The Seed of Trailer Park

August 22, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“If this whole seed thing were true, then Billy Graham could not possibly be Franklin Graham’s father,” Juanita commented when told that Franklin said that President Barack Obama carried “the seed of Islam” through his father.  “Billy Graham didn’t hand down the Seed of Crazy.”

“I’m just saying that if that was true, then Dirt Janochek carries the Seed of Trailer Park and I, myself, carry the Seed of Texas Football,” she grins.

“I have no idea,” she continues, “where Franklin comes up with this stuff because unless there’s been a few dents in the sacraments, The Good Lord surely isn’t passing along information like that to sober preachers.”

“And speaking of sober preachers,” she says while on a  roll, “it seems that in Virginia, some American soldiers were punished for not attending a contemporary Christian band concert.  Honey, if that was the house rule, I’d be spending my life locked in my room shinning my boots.  Hey, after you’ve heard Mahalia Jackson, being forced to listen to Amy Grant is darn near torture.”

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