The Science Writer at Forbes and Mr. Trump’s Wall

December 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning’s news reports from Indonesia are devastating.

It appears that the United States isn’t a big help.  From the science writer at Forbes …

Normally when something like this happens, I turn to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and their excellent post-earthquake/tsunami reports to get much of my information. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, the US government is partially shut down, which means none of their employees can update the system to explain what’s going on.

And Jess Phoenix …



So, you know, Merry Christmas and Screw Trump.

Thanks COmtnLady for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Science Writer at Forbes and Mr. Trump’s Wall”

  1. God, this country is so dumb.

  2. Makes me want to tell flying @$$monkeys to go clean their bathroom with a mixture of bleach and windex (and no fan)…

  3. That Other Jean says:

    Hear, hear!

  4. @TexasTrailerParkTrash

    The “country”, taken as a whole is not done. The 36+/-2 percent driving the agenda right now is dumb, mean, and worse. They elected their candidate to implement their world view and have therefore drug the rest of us down to their level. It takes great concentration and effort to push back such utter selfish ignorance. As the Mark Twain one-liner goes “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

  5. Think about it. Why the bleep would tRump of his Ites even care what happens to anyone else. Can only envision a feeling of self satisfaction when something like this eruption and tsunami hit people who don’t look, like them, talk like them, etc. and had possibly been previous recipients of U.S. foreign aid. I would also bet they feel the same way about the folks who toil in US government jobs such as Social Security checks which a number of them get, but hey, hate are them.

  6. Along the same line.
    after the recent damaging earthquake in Alaska it was stated by numorous officials that the very tough building codes in Alaska was the main reason that casulties, injuries were kept to a mimimun.
    Yet we have not heard any of those who oppose “job killing onerous” codes and regulations acknowledge they were wrong.
    Even in Alaska where they may owe their lives to those “job killing onerous” regulations and building codes.
