The Republican Debate

December 15, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is 8:00 on Thursday night and I am watching the GOP debate.

When the first question is Who can beat Obama because that’s the most important thing to Republicans? You know this is going to be a bashfest.

Also, this crowd is rabid so no telling what they’ll applaud. I’ll update this as the spirit moves me.

Did Rick Perry just say that he wants to “get it on” with Barack Obama? Maybe not the best word choice with today’s Perry news. Momma, do NOT click that link.

I think Michele Bachman’s stylist tonight was Evans Mortuary.

Okay, somebody needs to tell Rick Perry that making Congress like the Texas Lege means all of the country would have to be in last place. Look, fool, you either believe in the constitution or you want to rewrite it. You can’t have both, crazy pants.

Good Lord, Perry looked at Cavuto like he was asking his question in Greek. Maybe he was just trying to stay awake.

Am I the only person in America who snickers every time Newt uses the word “intellect?” What a silly boy.

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