The Racists at Night Are Big and Bright, Deep in the Heart of Texas

November 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take your imagination over to Fort Worth, where men are men and sheep are scared.

Fort Worth is about 10 years behind all the other big cities in Texas because they don’t cotton to that there book-learning stuff unless it’s Jesus approved.  Texas Christian University is there.

So, anyway a Muslim man accidentally got appointed – surely they wouldn’t do this on purpose – as the vice-chair of the Tarrant County Republican Party.

And the shame of it all is that it’s so near Jesus’ birthday.

Hissy fits abound! There’s horrors unfolding at the campfire.

Some in the party say Shahid Shafi, a surgeon and city council member in a Fort Worth suburb, may be more loyal to Islamic law or not supportive enough of the party’s pro-Israel platform.

They’re using the Sharia word. They also object to a precinct chair who is married to a Muslim man and another female precinct chair who has nothing to do with Muslims but they don’t like her because she might be a Democrat. And they don’t like the man who’s party chairman ether. Hell, they even have an online petition to remove him as chairman.

All this was brought about because Beto won Tarrant County and they feel secularism breathing down their skinny upright and uptight necks so they decided to eat each other.
It might be worth a ticket to Fort Worth just to stand in the back of the room and with them build a fire.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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