The Pope and Me

May 18, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Surprisingly, the Pope and I don’t have as much in common as you might suspect.  Except maybe this.

About 6 months ago, I shared with a friend that when I got up in the morning, it sounded like popcorn, and that it was mid morning before I didn’t feel like ouch when I did my chores.  She suggested a little hooch. I assured her that I had some vanilla kaluha in decaf coffee at night before bedtime.

“You’re doing it all wrong,” she scolded me.  “Put the kaluha in your morning coffee.” Well hell, I was already drinking alone so I might as well drink before noon, too.

It works like a twenty dollar knife on room temp butter.

So, I was glad to see the Pope.



So, I’m on the lookout for a killer breakfast Tequila Sunrise recipe.

On another good news item, this morning I learned that Madison Cawthorn got beat so badly last night that his grandchildren will be born shaking.  It’s my theory that Republicans were mad about the cocaine sex parties. Because they didn’t get an invitation.


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0 Comments to “The Pope and Me”

  1. I wish I liked tequila. I look at walking up my stairs these days with fear and loathing. A pre-stair cocktail might help.

    And what can you say about a party who thought nothing of electing Cawthorn in the first place after half of his college (even though there were only 350 of them) signed a letter basically calling him a predator?

  2. BarbinDC says:

    I’d like to think that it was all the lies he told about his background (No, he was never accepted in the Naval Academy) that did him in. Or, maybe the MAGAs actually have a level of embarrassment.

  3. One down. Maybe Margie will be next.

  4. I’ve heard of holy wine.
    But I guess if youi’re the Pope it can be whatever is in the glass. Whatever the time of day.

  5. LizzyMom says:

    Kaluha in my morning coffee. Dang, why didn’t I think of that? My days will be infinitely better with a proper start like that!

  6. RepubAnon says:

    There’s an old Irish song: “Whiskey Before Breakfast”

    For advice on tequila, check out the Wonkette’s Friday bartender’s advice on picking out the good stuff and avoiding the swill.

  7. Angela, there is actually some pretty good aged tequila gold out there for sipping. A little tequila, a little salt & lime, will get your day off to a good start.

    (Not that I would know or anything.)

  8. “Everone believes in something. I believe I’ll have a drink.”
    W. C. Fields

  9. Katherine says:

    Never forget, in Texas, whisky is for sipping, but water is for fighting for!

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. JJ being mildly ‘allergic’ to doctors have been procrastinating on a simple knee scoping to remove some scar tissue from an old high school basketball injury. Being a lefty and playing college baseball probably didn’t help along with a lifetime of extreme skiing.

    But. My go to trick to avoid doctors is 3 Advil. And on extreme days washing those pills down with a shot of scotch works after a day of skiing. Also, when you shower wrap a tea towel around your knee. It’s magic! Way better than diathermy.

  11. So, the *Church* Authorities are cross-dressers .

  12. UmptyDump says:

    May I humbly suggest my variation of the Tequila Sunrise – the Tequila Sunset.

    1 c. crushed ice
    1 1/2 oz. tequila
    3 oz. orange juice
    1 oz. pineapple juice
    1/2 oz. grenadine
    Maraschino cherry and orange slice for garnish, perhaps a mint leaf, too.

    Frost the rim of a stemmed white wine glass by swabbing with orange slice and dipping in superfine sugar. Shake drink and strain into glass. Just as good whether watching the sun coming up or going down.

  13. UmptyDump says:

    As to Madison Cawthorn, hopefully he won’t be having any grandchildren. His wee-wee probably don’t work no mo’.

  14. I have personally tried this recipe and give it thumbs up for taking the edge off my many joint pains.

  15. Sandridge says:

    I guess most people don’t realize that Papa Paco lived an interesting secular life before he decided to become a priest, and eventually Pope Francis [born 1936, as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, of Italian parentage, Argentinean immigrants].
    Pope Francis has a number of ‘firsts’, like being the first non-European [since the 8th century], first Jesuit [the Marine Corp of orders], etc., as head of the Vatican.

    But among his various early jobs he was a –bar bouncer–, so presumably familiar with all sorts of alcoholic beverages [and forceful ‘discussions’].
    So Papa Paco has ‘been around’, unlike many of his predecessors who usually had little life experiences outside of the clergy.

  16. Sandridge says:

    As far as tequila, some of it is excellent, but a lot is pretty bad. Only rates fifth or lower on my preference list of alcoholic bevs.
    It’s probably a good thing that I don’t live on the border any more, getting almost any bottled beverage at 20-50% of American liquor store prices was just a few miles trip to cross a bridge.

  17. My husband’s grandparents greeted each morning with a shot glass full of whisky. Grandma was still chasing and killing chickens in her late 70’s…..maybe even longer.
