The Poor Man’s Daily Newt

December 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

His children are going to have to start cleaning bathrooms.

Newt is busted.

Creditors say Gingrich has begun paying back nearly $1.2 million in bills he owed at the end of September, and his spokesman says most will be taken care of by the end of the year. Other debts — including $42,000 owed to Gingrich himself for the campaign’s use of a mailing list — had already been paid ahead of other vendors, according to aides and disclosure records.

So, he owes people money and who does he pay first?  Why, Newt, of course.  Can you even imagine how that little deal would have gone had Newt not found Jesus and turned from his sinful ways?

According to people who can do math, Newt was spending $3 for every $2 he took in.  Personally, I think he caught some George Bush conservatism.  You know, the kind where you spend money like it grows on bracelets at Tiffany’s?

Thanks to Barbara for the heads-up.

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