The Perfect GOP State of the Union Response

March 08, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Abortion, SCOTUS

0 Comments to “The Perfect GOP State of the Union Response”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Not surprisingly, repugnanticans could not hide how they feel about women by their SOTU rebuttal message. They see every woman as June Cleaver. Certainly that’s trump’s idea of women. Hope it comes back to grab them in the you know what.

  2. @Steve,

    Trump doesn’t want June Cleaver. He wants all women to be Stormy Daniels.

  3. I believe one of the things needs to happen is to educate children about the history of women’s rights – the discrimination of inheritance laws, female sufferage, loan and credit practices, education opportunity, employment – not mention the right to an abortion or birth control. I have had conversations with women in their 20 and 30s, who never knew about the struggle of women to get car loan or a credit card or a mortgage without husband or father to co-sign, or were asked if they were pregnant when they applied for a job, or told if they were, that they would not be hired or were fired if they did get pregnant while working. I recall the school systems back in the 60s and 70s forced pregnant teachers to resign once they were “showing”. I am 35 on each side and remember all of this happening in the 60s and 70s. We will not go Back.

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Tried to listen to it, but gave up when she got to the well-practiced Alabama-Sorority-girl voice quaver. Any woman raised in the South is familiar with it.

    And yes, I’m old enough to have had a credit card (1972) and a mortgage (1977) that had to have my dad co-sign. Guess who threw a royal hissy-fit in 1980 when I went for a car loan…at the same bank I’d had the mortgage, I had 50% of the cash I needed in hand, and a full-time job in an established career…and they wanted my father to co-sign again!!!

    I remember my mom fuming every year when she had to take a form to my dad to sign….so she could get the tag on her own car renewed. And yet the the GQP candidate running for governor of NC says he’d like to return to the days before women had the vote.

    You cannot make this stuff up.

  5. Beware Talky Tina from the Twilight Zone, channeled to the present day by Katie Britt.

    “”My name is Talky Tina… and you’d –better– be nice to me!””
