The Only Wall We Need –

April 15, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Federal judges all over the country block Trump’s racist immigration orders.  A federal judge rules Texas racist voter ID law unconstitutional.  A federal judge confirms marriage equality rights.  This morning, a federal judge blocks Arkansas’ rush to kill 7 death row inmates before the expiration date of the sedative used in executions.  That’s right, some idiot in Arkansas thought it was a good idea to rush up 7 executions because the company that provides the sedative has discontinued selling them to states that use it to kill people.

Trump and his cronies have rapidly pulled the veil down over the WH.  His press secretary lies daily from the briefing room podium, the Secretary of State banned reporters from his trips.  The State Department has halted the daily briefing.  Yesterday, the WH announced that visitor logs are now secret.  And, of course, Cheeto Jesus will never release his tax returns.  Oh, and he’s making millions from those who seek to curry favor from him by their stays in his hotels and resorts.

To add insult to injury, the Congress, cowed by Trump’s twitter account, sit and do nothing, fearful that his drooling knuckle dragger base will unseat them.  They have virtually abdicated their duties of oversight and are just sitting there holding their collective breath hoping all this will go away.

The only thing standing between the American people and an incompetent fascist regime?  The federal courts.  If I’ve learned nothing else from this first several months of the most terrifying presidency in US history, I’ve learned the critical importance of the third branch of government, the judiciary.  Even with the stolen Supreme Court seat, the judiciary continues to fulfill its key role of being the referee, protecting the Constitution and our society which is governed by it.  Conservatives love to rant about the Constitution, touting Scalia’s false “originalist” approach, but ignore the other critical part of Constitutional law – over 200 years of legal precedence.  Those thousands of interpretations of the Constitution form the entire body of law that guards against the radical and illegal activities of a corrupt administration, Congress, and state legislatures.

Trump likes to talk about his “wall”, but the real wall we need is the system of courts throughout the country that is critical to protect Us from Him.

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0 Comments to “The Only Wall We Need –”

  1. Here in Virginia the federal court in Richmond has swung from draconian conservative to actually based in reality and boy does that ever tick off the R’s! The Trumpians are actually waking up to the fact that there really is a third branch of guvmint, one that can face them down. Gotta find my super-tiny violin.

  2. We must give thanks that the Founding Fathers were aware enough to put in this system. They lived under a king and knew they had to be safe from tyrants!

  3. But that will change as Trump appoints Lap Dogs. And the GOP
    Approves them.

  4. Aye. And therein lies the rub.

    When Mitch McConnell kept exercising his Everlasting NO on everything President Obama attempted, especially on lower level appellate judges, Harry Reid had to do away with the 60 vote requirement or we’d have no thinking appellate judges.

    So we got a few judges through on that program, thank goodness. Otherwise, even a so-called judiciary of a democratic process would today be stuffed with right-wingers.

    This latest atrocity by McConnell re Gorbush can affect laws in America for a half-century. Folks do not generally understand that.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Let’s demand to see Neil’s birth certificate. Dude claims to be 49, yet looks older than Scalia did. Albeit maybe being a rabid nacilbupeR rat ages one prematurely. Or, we could take the more optimistic position that he has hidden health issues as does John Roberts. May they both enjoy good health until 2020, when we have an opportunity to re-balance SCROTUS.

  6. M in El Paso says:

    Thanks for the good news. I was beginning to believe that my only defense against the Trump regime was the public protests, marches, etc. Judicial appointments had been blocked so much that I had discounted the courts. It’s good to be reminded of their protections.

  7. Mother Jones' cat says:

    I agree 100%. The founding fathers got one thing right when they created the 3rd branch for checks and balances. And Supreme Court justices often surprise us. Gorsuch won’t ever surprise us, though. He says he’s an originalist but I believe he interprets that differently than most people. I think that when Gorsuch says he’s an originalist he means that he steals entire passages from original writings of other authors and puts them in his books without crediting the original authors.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    McCTurtle filibustered 79 Obama judicial appointees in 6 years. In the entire history of this nation up until then, there were only 68 total judicial filibusters.

    Drumpf got slapped in court again, claiming immunity from federal lawsuit where he was sued for siccing followers on protesters. The Judge flat out told Drumpf speech which leads to violence is not protected as has been adjudicated by the Scotus.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    My senior sinator Grassley gets an earful from MOI whenever he sends his Pat Chuck on the back emails out to iowans. Subtlety isn’t my forte when blasting Chuck for not doing his job and not upholding the constitution. Sessions lied to congress. Tom Price lied about insider trading as a congressman on several occasions. Kushner didn’t bother to reveal dozens of possibly illegal contacts with Russians during and after the campaign. None of these people should be allowed to work in government but HRC was the crook.

  10. charles phillips says:

    Onion, you’re correct of course, but when did equality of treatment mean anything to the republican’t party?

  11. We really, really, really need to take back the Senate in 2018.

    Of course we really needed to win the Presidency in 2016 too. That didn’t happen.

  12. the republicans in congress have done no governing for the past eight years, is anyone going to notice if they do no governing for another four? probably not. with luck, the dems in congress will stick together, and refuse to provide either their republicans peers in congress, or Strump any means of digging themselves out of their self-dug hole.

    of course, these guys all got elected with over 50% of the vote in their respective districts/states, because stupid people are entitled to representation also, so they’ll either get re-elected, or someone even worse will get elected in their stead.

    fortunately, “someone worse” won’t be able to do anything either, for the same reasons as their predecessors weren’t.

  13. Tilphousia says:

    I think the wake up call has been heard and will gain momentum. Once people, especially us gals, realize that there are millions of us, few of the rethugs, we can take back our government. Democratic Party officials have received phone calls which are quite threatening. None I know of backed down an inch. The bullying will get worse and I fear that violence will result in some cases. Balance will be restored but it takes time and hard work. Years of complacency got us to this. Now we fight like hell to rid the nation of the evil of men(?)like McConnell who put self interest above everything. Vote the bastards into the hell in which they belong.

  14. The only wall we need is between church and state … not the US and any other country.
