The Only Theory That Makes Sense

October 09, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

Earlier this week the NYTimes published an investigative story that had several revelations including an account of TFG demanding that yet another lawyer lie for him early last year that he had returned all the documents and that lawyer refusing.  More important, it’s damned likely he still has government documents somewhere else like his NY apartment, in Bedminster, or even Mar a Lago.

But the story also recounted TFG’s desire to used the stolen documents as trade bait.  The key quote:

“Mr. [TFG], still determined to show he had been wronged by the F.B.I. investigation into his 2016 campaign’s ties to Russia, was angry with the National Archives and Records Administration for its unwillingness to hand over a batch of sensitive documents that he thought proved his claims.

In exchange for those documents, Mr. [TFG] told advisers, he would return to the National Archives the boxes of material he had taken to Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla.”

So there it is.  Not only did TFG recklessly steal top secret and other government documents, he then concocted a plan to use his unlawful possession of stolen documents as a hostage to get evidence to support his contention that the FBI was out to get him.  It’s classic mobster behavior; worse, it’s stupid, careless, and another example of the danger this man poses to not only the country but to himself.

I’ve had several theories about why TFG stole these documents and then toyed with the DOJ for over a year and a half; first, obviously TFG is a dumbass with shit for brains; second, I figured he saw value in them to sell to the highest bidder; third, he loves all the trappings of being president and continued playing Oval Office and pretending he’s still there; lastly I figured he just likes pissing off the “deep state”.  All of these theories are plausible and damned likely; what I hadn’t thought about that he believed he could use the stolen documents to steal more documents.  That act is just a glimpse into how evil TFG truly is.

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0 Comments to “The Only Theory That Makes Sense”

  1. Ivana Trump was cremated, yet her mostly empty (maybe, maybe not) casket had to be carried into a church by ten pall bearers. I say, dig it up and look. I would not put it past TFG to use his dead ex-wife one more time.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    @ Papa: I’d say leave Ivana’s grave alone – it’s likely bait for a “Jabber the Gut” poutrage trap. Trump would want those documents somewhere where he could easily get to them – not somewhere where he’d need an exhumation order (or a backhoe and an operator willing to risk jail time) to dig them back up. However, Trump (and Tucker Carlson) would love the idea of the Feds digging up Ivana, and finding nothing.

    That said, hopefully Trump will be indicted soon.

  3. RepubAnon @ 2,

    Your reason well taken. I’m not hold my breath that Trump will be indicted soon, if ever. If they do, I hope the timing is before November.

  4. G Foresight says:

    Using government documents for leverage and running for Pres as a way to keep legal troubles at bay also reflects on the tepidness of cultural norms and rule of law systems to keep this type of behavior under control. That oversight lax has consequences, for example, his crowd is now openly and proudly boasting how to steal the upcoming election(s).

  5. “first…

    It could be all of the above. Depending on the time of day, his mood, what he saw on Newsmax at the moment…

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Indicting TF(F)G before November- not much time left, and will likely just get more of the magat voters out to support his cult candidates. He needs to be indicted, however, because to not do so will only embolden him and his followers to keep getting away with it.
    I’m not only wondering where he has other documents hidden, but with whom- his crime family and our enemies for which he’s probably already profited. He has shit for brains but what he has is constantly looking how to commit more crimes for personal gain.
    Hope the NY AG suit eats up all his time and leaves him destitute. Same for his crime family.

  7. KM Williams says:

    Perhaps TrumpsterFire used and is still using classified documents to stop the DOJ from charging him with the many crimes he committed while in office.

    So many of us liberals grinding our teeth over how slow and reluctant Garland etc. are to charge Trump. But maybe there is a better reason than that they are timid.

  8. Jefe, speaking for myself, Juanita and the others are doing great as always But I’d d like to hear you yakkin more.
    Anyhoo, somehow your piece reminds me of a line from The Lord of War.
    “Most people are happy just to get out of jail. I expect to be paid to leave.”

  9. Sam in Mellen says:

    The best definition of TFG’s actions is Domestic Terrorism

  10. The Bucket o Lard is holding onto the docs to sell to the highest bidder . (They are all in the strong-room under MarryLago) .

  11. He really is circling the drain, isn’t he! His reecent actions only confirm my suspiscion about the amount he has invested in adult diapers made especially for those who cannot also control their jibber-jabber. He really, really is scared.

  12. Honestly, what is most shocking to me in this matter is that after 4 years as president trying to obtain this proof–because you KNOW he was pursuing it while in office if he stole documents for this “trade”–that he still believes such proof exists in NARA.

    Oh the ugly spiderweb of horror that is his brain.

  13. This is mob boss behavior, like holding a family hostage to get crooks out of jail.

  14. Hello?? Anybody home??

  15. Catherine Riley says:

    I think he had a tunnel dug under the grave of his late wife and a trap door in the side of the coffin so he could retrieve the stolen documents he stashed in there with her. Okay, that’s a bit of a conspiracy theory and out there but I like it.

  16. “But we need you to do us a favor…”

    Time was, when that was an impeachable offense.
