The ONLY Christian. ‘Cuz I Say So.

March 30, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a place called Christian News Wire.  Seriously.  And you thought the Super DeLux Brand Christians believed that the internet is a tool of the devil and Jennifer Anniston.  Well, nope.  They have a website.

So, check this news item straight from God.

Does God want Americans to vote for a specific presidential candidate? Pastor Steven Andrew believes so. He says, “Rick Santorum is from God and will win with Christians and Catholics uniting for Santorum.”

He understands some prefer Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich, but believes they can’t be nominated. He says, “Only one Christian is left for President — Santorum.”

The only one?

Pastor Steven Andrew, bless his heart, has to go back all the way to Exodus to justify his statement, which is kinda weird considering that most Christians are partial to the New Testament. But, Pastor Andrew is in the justifying business, so I respect his attempt to … well, justify.

He continues, “Mitt Romney is a Mormon and Barak [sic] Obama is a Muslim or something else-but definitely not a Christian. Romney believes in another Jesus, not the Biblical Jesus.”

Or something else?  What would that be?  Lucifer Hisownself?   Another Jesus?  Cripes, how many others are there?

But, and again I need to say Bless His Heart because this dude is walking around blind in a fog with the lights out, he also believes  that Catholics are not exactly Christians.

Rick Santorum is from God and will win with Christians and Catholics uniting for Santorum.”

But, hell, he’s white and hates women so that’ll do.

Yes, that’ll have to do.

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