The “Oh, Really?” Could Be Heard Five States Away
Guess what John Cornyn suddenly decided was a damn fine idea? The Affordable Care Act. Obamacare.
Pick your chin up off the floor, Honey.
When asked what Texans are going to do without employer based health insurance, Cornyn replied …
Well, the good news is that if you lose your employer-provided coverage, which covers about 180 million Americans, that is a significant life event, which makes you then eligible to sign up for the Affordable Care Act — and as you know, it has a sliding scale of subsidies up to 400% of poverty. So that’s an option for people…. [T]he good news is people can find, get coverage under the Affordable Care Act or via Medicaid based on their income.”
Oh yeah, that same horrible Obamacare he fought like hell for the past 10 years is suddenly the best thing he’s ever seen since sliced bread.
The Texas Democratic Party put together a list of the times he voted against it or tried to destroy it. It ain’t no damn short list. They had to buy extra ink just to write it all down.
Will wonders never cease? I can’t wait until he has to say “Obamacare good.”
Thanks to Brad and Steven for the heads up.