The NRA and The Russians. Oh Yeah, They Did.

November 30, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s been a bad week for LaPierre & the gun grifters. The Supreme Court declined to hear two of their appeals against state laws that restricted unrestricted weaponry possession, and now this.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is [investigating] the role the National Rifle Association played in connecting the Trump campaign with Russians, according to letters from the panel’s top Democrat.

And here’s why.  Trump, Jr. talked with Alexander Torshin, a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the deputy head of the country’s central bank, at an event hosted by the National Rifle Association.

Maria Butina

That meeting was arranged by Maria Butina, the deputy to Torshion.

Butina has bragged that she helped connect the Trump campaign with the Kremlin, according to The Daily Beast, and it’s possible her statements were not just bravado. Torshin requested that Trump meet with him on the sidelines of the National Rifle Association’s convention in May 2016. He never met with then-candidate Trump, but he did succeed in securing a meeting with Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr.  

So, Boris and Natasha meets Annie Get Your Gun meets pick your favorite James Bond movie.

I am beginning to think that Trump, Jr. met more Russians than Field Marshal von Manstein did at the Battle of Stalingrad.

Thanks to Scott for the heads up.

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