The Noble Brutus Has Said Clinton is Ambitious

November 01, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

When FBI Director James Comey injected himself into the Presidential election last week, his defenders and excusers claimed that he actually had no choice, and that fairness and honesty compelled him to deliver a letter unto the Congressional Republicans that leaked almost before it arrived in their sieve-like in basket.

If it hadn’t been for his ridiculous editorializing earlier this year when he announced that nothing illegal had been done to, on, about, or around her email server, Comey might have been able to skate on the “shucks, just doin’ muh dooty” line. But it turns out, as it so often does, that a Republican applied a ridiculously unbalanced double standard when it comes to actual threats to the Republic.

Harry Reid, ever the sparkplug, called him out on it; “Hey COMEY! How about a little status on The Muscovian Candidate, Donald Trumpski, and his multiple ties to Russia the Feebs are supposed to be investigating?  And, BTW, ever heard of a little thing called the Hatch Act?”

If we could even hear crickets on this! But the silence has been deafening. What does the FBI know? Here are three things we can be sure of:

  • Paul Manafort and his ties via Ukraine to the Russian oligarchy. Although Manafort was jettisoned from the campaign, his ties to the Ukraine were deep enough that the FBI was, indeed, investigating him. (Not to mention Trump “adviser” Carter Page.) Anything found yet? Who knows, because the FBI does not comment on ongoing investigations.
  • Per an awesome Slate article: The Justice League of Computer Nerds (a name I made up but should be shouted from the rooftops) has discovered via DNS calls a covert server-to-server communication between a Trump “email” server and Moscow’s Alfa Bank, run by an old oligarchical buddy of…Vladimir Putin. As soon as the NYT asked them about it, the server name was changed. After the name was changed, the first computer to ping it was – Moscow. But then communication ceased entirely. Is this being investigated? Who knows, because the FBI does not comment on ongoing investigations.
  • Per an awesome David Corn/Mother Jones Article: The Justice League of Former Spies (another made-up name but oh! so apropos) while performing opposition research (“oppo”) on Trump, learned from Russian sources that a long-term game to cultivate and influence Trump was in play. So compelling was the proof, that although they were working in a private capacity, they submitted their information to the FBI.  Does it lead anywhere? Who knows, because the FBI does not comment on ongoing investigations.

As if this big, smoky Trumpster fire were not enough, the one FBI thing that has been fairly well-documented has been the link from hacked Democrats to Wikileaks via Russian hackers, which Trump still denies in spite of his intelligence (hah!) briefings. So, clearly, Mister Fair And Even-Handed Don’t Appear To Be Withholding Info Comey would agree that THAT should have been public knowledge?

Not so much.

In fact, Comey argued AGAINST making that well-sourced and proven but hurtful to Trump information public because it was TOO CLOSE TO AN ELECTION. But when faced with the exact same determination to hurt Clinton on mere conjecture? No problem: send the memo toss that hand grenade.

But the FBI does not comment on ongoing investigations.

And Brutus is an honorable man.


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