The Next Grift

December 15, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, Uncategorized

Maggie Haggerman is reporting today TFG’s next grift.  He’s now selling “digital trading cards” of, you guessed it, himself.  Just as one grift stops working, he comes up with another, and this one is hilarious.  TFG was (is) the worst physically conditioned president since William Howard Taft, who weighed in at a whopping 332 lbs.  He’s well known for being unable to walk any distances and famously rode in a golf cart during the G7 meeting in Sicily in 2017 rather than walking through the town with other world leaders.  His physical presence looks like a soup sandwich.  Hilariously, his first “trading card” is his head spliced onto Superman’s body.  I actually burst out laughing at the idiotic image, but I’m sure his sycophantic base is lapping it up.  At the risk of offending, here’s the image, complete with his, “buy it now because it’s selling fast!” sales pitch.

We are living is some strange times.

0 Comments to “The Next Grift”

  1. If the entire ‘collection’ was available for 99 cents, TFG threw in a few cases of tRump wine which has most likely turned to whine vinegar, and paid all shipping, still no sale. Lordy. Who would want TFG or anyone associated with his latest goofiest having one’s e-mail or shipping address?

    A sense of humor is a positive indication of predictable intelligence. If this is TFG’s best attempt at humor, he’s still a plastic potted plant of PCBs.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    El Jefe – you should have put a warning about that picture. I was eating my lunch and almost spit it out!

  3. Is there one of Trump as JC in white robe with the sacred heart, with TFG’s head on it?

    How about George Washington crossing the Delaware with T****’s head replacing Washington’s head?

  4. dobleremolque says:

    I. Can’t. Even…….

  5. Just when you think he couldn’t possibly go any lower . . . . .

  6. TURDMAN strikes again!

  7. 1st reaction–jaw drop of $99. Like others, I certainly would not pay that and doubt I’d even take one if they paid me $99.

    But second–that is not a Superman outfit–it is a Wrestler outfit. TV wrestling fits–it is so fake too. And honestly, he looks more like the immoral Kryptonians in appearance than Superman.

    Look at background, he is in a ring.

    Words fail me to express my disdain and wonder at the cheesiness. Mind you, I’m okay with cheesy in right settings–but not this.

  8. Would be cool to photo shop a Spanish Wrestler mask over his face.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The real donald- note who’s advising him- see attached:

    Buying one of his cards/tokens gets you into a sweepstakes to win among other things, a zoom meeting with trumpf. Gosh, if I only had $99 (to waste)!

  10. If I remember the flag code, the American flag is not to be worn. Trump is wearing one. But W also autographed an American flag sent to him by some in the military.

  11. I burst out laughing (and jaw dropping) when I saw the low low price of $99.

  12. He looks like Homelander from The Boys and causes the same amount of damage.

  13. I don’t think I want to see the other cards. I’d like to keep my lunch, thank you.

  14. I have to admit, Trump Trading Cards was not on my Bingo card.

  15. Bob Boland says:

    Not only is his head photoshopped on to a wrestler outfit, the head is from a few years ago before it became as jowly as he is currently.

  16. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Agreed (Grandma Ada, I think we must be Sisters from Another Mother)…a warning was needed for this particular post!

    Criminy! I’ve decided TFG stands for “The Fracking Grifter”!

  17. Grifters gotta grift.
    Nothing is more nauseating then seeing any pic of domestic terrorist, malignant narcissist tRump. Unless he’s behind bars!

    Remember this?, tRump and his wall prophacy…

    ‘Trackdown – The End of the World (1958)’

  18. And it’s immediately cracked and content downloaded.

  19. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If this works for humpty d(TR)umpty, maybe Musk will try it. They’re both extreme narcissists and need more money.

  20. I was offered the presidential coins for the same price of $99 down from $1199. Another grift

  21. So, Trump and Keri Lake as a ticket. Wow. What could possibly go wrong. Two foot in mouth, motormouths. They make Sara P. look rational. Kinda. Maybe. ??

  22. Could ideas like this come from the Trump family Festivus celebrations? After gathering at the dinner table everyone gets a turn at the “Airing of Grievances” – telling each other how they have been disappointed by other family members in the past year (TFG loves this part). After dinner is served every family member has to present TFG with an idea of getting a piece of prosperity for him in the coming year, like Trump Family Apprentice. This is probably the “best” idea from last year.

  23. Makes perfect sense to me.
    For and from f**king trump.
    *1. It grabs headlines. (**1a and fleeces millions of dollars from his acolytes)
    **2. Negative headlines (Can you believe that shit?)
    Which works great for the maga base, because it ridicules something they care about. {persecution!}*’*
    3. At the moment is probably the best thing to fire up his base after the midterms, cause nothing else is working.* and **
    4. All the above keep his head above water running.
    Which keeps the prosecutions at bay. * ,**1a, **2,
    And still keeps millions going into his pocket.

    I tried a system of notations to designate which point I thought was salient to earlier points.
    And of course it was a clusterf**k.
    Cause in the maga world every. single. thing. that doesn’t reinforce their reality is a threat.
    So it all reinforces itself.
    And that fucker keeps staying out of jail, and making stacks of cash.

  24. P.P. @ 24,

    IDK, but I’d like to see a Go Directly to Prison Card with TFG’s image.

  25. Just goes to show how effing stupid the Mango Mussolini’s braindead MAGAots are, and that the GQP grifters well know it.

    –DIGITAL– trading cards that are “limited edition” and “…will be gone..soon…”! Yeah, riigghht, digitally downloaded files that will somehow be used up at the source and just vaporize into the ether…[they’re actually “non-fungible tokens (NFTs)”, supposedly ‘unique’].

    Wonder how many MAGAotty Trumpanzees will be spending their meager grocery money trying to acquire one of, or the whole set of, these absurd mementos of their megagrifter idol at the insane price of ‘only’ $99 each [for a few binary MBs of 0s & 1s]? $99 each…OMFG, that’s beyond absurd.

    Hopefully some skilled hackers will do a number on this web scam, and make off with millions from both TFFG and his cretinous minions.

    P. T. Barnum has to be kicking in his grave at how gullibility has evolved since his time.

  26. The Surly Professor says:

    I could not resist looking for on-line versions of the “cards”. Here’s my favorite: Cowboy (Big Manly Hands) Trump :

    Sandridge, you’re overlooking the best part of the scam; all he needs is 100k suckers to fall for it, and he’s made $10M. That many probably have already bought into it.

  27. Surly Prof @27, Yeah, I looked around for a copy of TFFG’s griftcards [suitable for holiday grifting], only saw a couple of the ‘collection’, gaaak. Read a hint about it getting hacked already, that’ll be neat if somebody pulls it off.

    You’re so right, it wouldn’t take all that many MAGAotsuckers to bite for this scam to rake in some hefty dinero; and he’s probably already offshore banked a bunch of million$$ of easy tax-free loot from those magatards. How many of them are proudly displaying their ‘impressive’ idol’s image for the holidays?

  28. Sold out in one day. 40,000@ $99, easy $4,000,000. He knows his people well.

  29. Cash from his braindead followers- or money laundering from foreign sources?

  30. Amazing art of his life and career? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    And he capitalized ART. Maybe that’s supposed to mean it’s an acronym. Maybe it stands for A-hole Reeking Trump. Or maybe Astoundingly Ridiculous Trading cards. (OK, I threw a little extra word in there…)

    But seriously, folks. I don’t recall him spending any part of his life or his career ever being a professional rassler or a professional athlete of any kind, just a professional grifter and probable mafiosi.
