The New Birtherism: Featherism

June 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tea Party parrot Scott Brown, the former Senator from Massachusetts who got his electoral rump handed to him by Elizabeth Warren – she beat him by 8 points, is now running to be Donald Trump’s Veep selection.

220px-SbrownofficialBrown has decided to take a move from Trump’s birtherism playbook.

Brown is demanding that Warren take a DNA test to prove that she is part American Indian.

Dude, she registered the website just to jack with your puppet master.   She was born in Oklahoma, you idiot, most everybody in Oklahoma is at least 1/32nd Native American.

Remember, after Warren beat him in 2012, Brown went to New Hampshire and ran against Jeanne Shaheen, where is also got beat.

Okay, read this word in Donald Trump’s voice: Looooser.

Hell, we don’t want a DNA test from him.  We want an IQ test.


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