The Nazi with the Dead Eyes (and Spray-On Hair)

December 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Border Catastrophe, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Trumpists

Stephen Miller, Trump’s in-house Nazi who is orchestrating the gleeful cruelty and dickishness of this president’s immigration policy idiocy, was on Face the Nation yesterday.  I responded to his appearance by using my normal coping mechanism of turning off the sound when one of Trump’s toads is spewing BS on national television; but, in the silence I noticed  that this guy looks different than usual – he had hair on his normally Gollum-bald pate.  Sure enough, looking closer, it appeared that Miller had suddenly grown a hair line; the problem with that hair line is that it was…wait for it…sprayed on.  I went to my usual source for research (Twitter) and it had already lit up with the same observation that indeed Miller had sprayed on a new hairline.  Here’s a before and after pic:

Best line in many tweets following Miller’s appearance was “I did Nazi that coming!”  Which was entertaining and almost worth the price of witnessing this creature polluting the national airwaves with his hate.

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