The More It Stays The Same

June 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita made a trip to Salado, Texas, last weekend for a meeting with the Texas Democratic Wimmen.  It was more than a 100 women of all ages and kinds in one room to learn, to teach, and to raise a little heck.

For Juanita, the trip included a stop at the Lyndon B Johnson Library on the campus of The University of Texas to see a new exhibit on the 1960’s.  It’s worth the trip.  Plus, Lyndon’s Liberry is so magnificent that you should put a visit on your bucket list.

A few things stood out.  Here’s a quote from Robert Welch, the Founder of the John Birch Society.

Sounds just like the Tea Party, doesn’t it?

And then there was this from Spiro T Agnew:

Close your eyes and that could be Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin, couldn’t it?

I’m making me a sign to carry to my next rallhy that says, “I cannot sinkin’ believe that I’m still protesting this crap.”

The bad guys always get theirs in the history books, so keep the faith!

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