The Media Should Pull the Plug on WH Briefings

March 26, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Lie, Trump

All week the Washington Post opinion writers have been talking about the lying, distortions, and pure misinformation pouring into Americans’ ears from Trump’s daily briefings diatribes.  As we’ve all known from the beginning of his run for the presidency, Trump’s trademark is his bombastic lying, but now such lying is actually killing people.  From “it will disappear,” to “it’s completely under control,” to touting drugs that haven’t been approved or tested to now pushing to “restart the economy”, he’s gone from laughably moronic to downright dangerous.

It’s time for the media to pull the plug on Trump’s WH rallies.  Bloomberg News has done that, showing the briefing WITH THE SOUND TURNED OFF recapping only factual information along with other market news. The other networks should start doing similar.  Since Trump can’t do his idiotic rallies right now, the ONLY tools he has is Twitter and network television, so he dominates the briefings spouting bullshit and propaganda and muzzling healthcare experts.  It’s got to stop and stop now.  Governors (and Joe Biden) have stepped into the vacuum left by Trump’s idiocy and the networks should certainly carry those briefings.

At one of our most precarious times, voter stupidity has put a moronic megalomaniac in the most powerful job in the world.  Other countries have leaders grappling with COVID-19; we have a clown thinking he’s running a television gameshow.

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