The Librul Monster Holds The Girl Scouts in Its Fist

December 30, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is no stopping the Librul Monster.  There is no keeping it away from our children.  Especially our tasty little girl children.

And there’s not getting anything by the geniuses at FOX News.  They will catch the Librul Monster wherever it goes.

And it’s going for the Girl Scouts and their yummy cookies.

Right-wing bloggers and Fox News have managed to squeeze in one more liberal conspiracy theory before the end of 2011.

The controversy is over a section in the Girl Scouts’ media guide that advises readers to use sites like and MediaMatters to fact-check what they read on the Internet. Because, as Steve Doocy put it on Fox & Friends on Thursday, because MediaMatters is “clearly a lefty blog,” telling members to turn to them means the Girl Scouts must secretly be in the tank for the left.

Yes, it is true.  Facts have a liberal bias.

Foiled again by Fox news!

And that Junior Walter Cronkite, Andrew Breitbart, says, “Think twice before buying Girl Scout cookies next year.”  Rats!  Who leaked to him that we’re putting Librul Juice in the S’Mores?

And if you want to see a boatload of crazy, read the comments under Breitbart’s column.  According to them, we’re training the Girl Scouts to be George Soros’ sex slaves.  Or, worst yet, informed readers.

So my mind is made up.  I am buying cases of Girl Scout cookies this year and leaving a box on the doorstep of every rightwinger in my neighborhood.  Odds are pretty good they’ll eat anything they get for free.

Thanks to Brian for the heads-up.

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