The Lethal Dog Whistle

April 26, 2024 By: Primo Encarnación Category: 2024 Election, authoritarian

Kristi Noem, y’all.

I saw a headline where Kristi Noem is a dog-killer and I thought, “Huh! Someone must think she’s about to become a VP candidate, to leak this dirt on her now.”  Then I read the story and saw I was almost right.

That someone is Kristi, and she ratted on her own damn self.

Kristi has come out with a campaign autobiography, as one does, every so often. In it, she talks about how she had a 14-month-old female wire-haired pointer that she “hated.” It was “untrainable,” “worthless”and “dangerous.”

So, she decided to kill her.

And, once she decided to do that, she realized she also had an un-neutered goat she “hated.” He was “mean,” “nasty,” “disgusting” and “musky.”

She decided to off him, too.

So she dragged the dog into a gravel pit and killed it with a shotgun.  Then she dragged the goat into the gravel pit, botched the hit, had to run back and get another shell, before delivering the head shot to the not-quite-mortally wounded goat.

She noticed some workers had seen her do it. But one what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it glare later, and they prudently turned away. So the body count stayed at two, none human.

In any other America, this would be political suicide.

But in this America, when you’re angling to become Vice Dictator, one flabby, demented, over-amped aderall snort away from the Big Chair…

She speaks of being willing to “do the unpleasant job that needed to be done” – to dispatch the worthless, the dangerous, the nasty and disgusting that she hated. The kind of labels authoritarians like to fling around about “The Other.”

That’s just the kind of someone the MAGA mob is looking for.

0 Comments to “The Lethal Dog Whistle”

  1. She should have looked in the mirror before decideng who was “untrainable.”

  2. As a self appointed member of the well-trained militia, Kristi probably was certain she knew whether or not the dog was untrainable.

    If she’s a Christian though, it’s hard to say whether she paused for a moment to wonder WWJD?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Dogs have a sense of when they’re around evil people. It’s not surprising that the puppy Noem murdered sensed she was a bad person and didn’t like her. I hope trumpf picks her to be his running mate and people sense how evil she is and have another reason not to vote for trumpf.

  4. Harry Eagar says:

    I imagine trump sniffing his armpit and wondering if he smells musky.

  5. Same reasons she will use on a human being.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Great thoughts and comments, everyone! In the conundrum of WTF is wrong with our election process, I think back to voting with enthusiasm for President Obama twice. He was elected twice, but then we had Moscow Mitch devoted to obstructing him at every step. So the question remains: how do we elect the President we want and a cooperative Congress to support our choice?

    Obviously, we need to win the “down ballot” races. That obstacle requires numbers. Massive numbers to overcome the GOP election ratfucking. Election reform will nevuh be a solution so long as there are vote against their own interest ‘conservatives’ who deliver a dysfunctional Congress. As Primo wrote, 2024 is the GOTV year. Or, we fail again.

    Lordy. Was a day when Louie Gohmert seems like a dream when we now have the nightmares of Empty Greene, Bobo the Dodo, and too many members of the crazy GOP caucus to list like that clown Tommy Tuberville from Alabumma.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    I suspect that there are many MAGAts who are dog lovers, too. I don’t think that Kristi Noem’s effort to look “willing to do the unpleasant job that needed to be done” is going to seem all that great to anybody who loves dogs—or goats. There are other possible solutions.

  8. BarbinDC says:

    That woman just ain’t right. I thought that long before I knew of this (wretched) story. Between abortion rights on the ballots all over the country and dog lovers, the Greedy Old Party is toast.

  9. katherine says:

    Jane, Tommy tub wore out his welcome in Lubbock after he walked out in the middle of a recruiting dinner and announced the next day that he was leaving for Cincinnati. And you might want to check out his wife’s driving record. And to really frost the cake, he doesn’t seem to live in Alabama, it seems that he lives in Florida.

  10. slipstream says:

    Hmmm . . . Trump is untrainable . . .

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This shows how out of touch she is with humanity to highlight her killing of domesticated family animals with a gun. I’m pretty sure this was not her way of coming clean with her failings. I doubt she was so honest with how her actions led to covid deaths because of her ideology.
    Does make a case for being a trumpf VP.

  12. I called Noem’s office ten minutes after I read that article. I ranted on for a few moments telling the young woman who answered the phone that I hoped her boss would rot in hell. For not giving that dog the training or care that the dog deserved she has earned the hottest spot available.

  13. Noem should beware of encounters with dogs that breath fire.

  14. If she had changed “Dog” to “Mexican,” she’d win a VP spot in a landslide.

  15. Buttermilk Sky says:

    She’s been banned from at least three Sioux reservations in SD for racism. Sounds perfect for trump.

  16. Any competent dog trainer will tell you the failure was HER, NOT the dog.

  17. Well, this makes me wonder if she has children. If so, someone should investigate and see if they have survived adolescence. Untrainable and worthless are two words that make me suspicious as to their well being.

  18. UmptyDump says:

    Comparing two female state-level politicians – Kristi Noem of South Dakota and Kari Lake of Arizona – Noem is the runaway winner for as the most evil. Unfortunately, the South Dakota animal cruelty law is too weak to effectively prosecute her.

  19. Noem Nothing allso said they put down thre3e horses that had been at the ranch for 25 years.

    She has been banned from at least four reservations because the Natives know magats won’t cross the street to pee on an Indian on fire.

  20. Jeanne Pitz says:

    My daughter told me this horrible story yesterday. i sincerely hope that the Dakota that owns her (why are there two??) will decide she is the worst of the worst and dethrone her. Nope, she will not be the VP under Dastardly Don the Smelly, and I hope she recedes into the darkness as is fitting. What a horrible woman. What a piece of s***. What a regular person that the GQP admires. There is no median place here. She deserves jail.

  21. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The more I think and read about her, the more I think she needs to have her guns taken away. There’s no good explanation for her thirst to shoot and kill helpless animals except she’s one sick woman. She’s a maggot.

  22. Primo, it’s really good hearing from you. As the younglings seem to being saying now, it’s been a minute.

  23. Be saying. Not being saying.

  24. I’ve often thought that Trumpanzees are the kind of people who are proud of things that other people wouldn’t admit under torture. This woman fits right in to that crowd.

  25. jrkrideau says:

    If Kristi Noem becomes Vice-president she may have difficulty hiring staff.

  26. According to the NY Post, Noem has a problem with her alleged ktistian training when it comes to marriage and fidelity. Her hubby might consider correcting that behavior the way she corrected her dog’s behavior.

    Noem lies like drumpf does ands is as immoral as he. Match made in heavens hell.

  27. Harry Eagar says:

    Mostly city folks here, I note. Farmers really do kill animals, for a variety of reasons.

    And they routinely injure them deliberately in ways that would send y’all screaming for the exits.

    Where Noem makes herself an outlier is 1) using a shotgun (almost all farmers would use a rifle or a pistol firing high-velocity rounds); and 2) missing when she did use a shotgun.

    Publishing these actions demonstrates a political imbecility that would be hard to match.

    (If you eat eggs, ask yourself what happens to a hen when she ages out of the 250-eggs/yr production level.)

  28. The Surly Professor says:

    Let’s not forget Noem’s foremost goal: to become Trumps’s VP. All of the Republican drones see that Trump is increasingly demented, losing his marbles, and in terrible physical shape even for his age. So they want to be in place to take over when Trump keels over, no matter how demeaned and downright stupid they have to make themselves appear to get into that position.

    And Trump notoriously hates dogs – if there is going to be an excitable slobbery critter that wants to be the center of attention, Trump wants it be himself. I’m willing to bet that even if the story were not true, Noem sees it as a way of getting T’s attention and approval.

    Jeanne Pitz: the reason there’s two Dakotas was so that the Republican party of the 1880s could pick up four senators instead of two. Electoral manipulations (AKA rat fucking amongst political connoisseurs) has a long tradition in the Republican party.

  29. She didn’t stop with the dog. From the Guardian article:

    “Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes.

    Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.

    Kill him, because that is way more fun than castrating him. Jeez Louise, this woman is dangerous. North Dakota is one of my 3 states left to visit. I won’t be going any time soon.

  30. The Surly Professor says:

    fenway fran: the goat story changes everything. Let’s see: nasty and mean, disgusting, musky, rancid. All of that equally well describes Trump, so maybe he should be nervous having Noem as a VP.

    Also, “loved to chase children” brings to mind his actions at the Ms Teen beauty pagent, barging into their changing room without warning. On the other hand, Trump would never associate all those “qualities” with himself, so maybe she has a shot at the slot. [Pun intended.]

  31. rastybob says:

    Back in the day I was training Dogs. The first thing i would say to a class was “If you are not 10% smarter than the dog you can not train it” I have yet to see a Dog I could not train. Lucky for her they do not vote for brains in SD or any part of the GOP
    What a Dumb-ass.

  32. Harry Eagar says:


    I dunno about that. my first dog was a collie. Neighbor boys threw firecrackers under her belly. She was ungovernable after that.

    And maybe you could rain a Yorkie, but I’ve met one that was.

  33. Harry Eagar
    If you want to train a Dog to be Ungovernable. Scare him and put him in pain. What your neighbor did was train that Dog.
    Just not in a good way. I hope you did a little training on the boys. A lit firecracker down the back of his tee shirt should work.If not the first time repeat the learning experience.
    Yes I like Dogs a lot more than most humans. I have never hit a dog, Humans Often. I have even had to repeat the learning experience.I repeat myself. If you want to train a dog {to do what you want} you must be smarter than the dog.

  34. Let’s hope that she didn’t take the dog to the quarry in a cage on the roof of her car. You see where that got Mitt.

    She says that was the hard decision to shoot the dog. No, the hard decision would have been to take the time to find the dog a new home!

    I suppose you could say that the dog gave its life in order to protect America from Kristi on a national level.
