The Lege is Over in Six Days

May 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


The Texas Legislature only meets every two years.  That’s all the bribery, womanizing, boozing, and wasteful spending we can stand from the Republicans.

My State Rep and Me. I'm the good lookin' one.

We here in Fort Bend sent a new State Rep to Austin.  His name is Ron Reynolds, and he’s a keeper.  Ron, like every other Democrat who went to Austin this session, knew they were overwhelmed to the point that they were helpless.  But not hopeless.

Every living being in Texas can tell you a horror story about this legislative session.  I’m gonna let Ron talk for me.

We have had all session to deal with the crippling, multi-billion dollar budget shortfall, but instead of dealing head-on with the real financial problems of the state, we chose to shift attention to divisive, hot button partisan issues like voter ID, Arizona-style immigration legislation, and so-called “tort reform”; issues that have no bearing on what Texans care about most. As this session approaches an end, the House has descended into a perpetual legislative stalemate on the budget. Rather than taking a hard look at coming up with long-term solutions to our fiscal crisis, we are choosing instead to rely on chicanery and Enron-style accounting to get us through the situation.

Republicans are bullies.

It’s that simple.  They go after children, old people, the poor, minorities.  They are bullies.

But, even more than that, they are ineffectual at dealing with the people’s business.  We’re six days out and we still don’t have a budget, or a way to finance public education.

I’m sorry this ain’t funny.  But you know what?  This ain’t funny.

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