The Lawyers Would Like To Be Of Service

May 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “The Lawyers Would Like To Be Of Service”

  1. maryelle says:

    Although Mama may not be pleased, she would nonetheless
    laugh at this oh-so-true ad. It’s a knee slapper!

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    I was at Lowe’s across from Memorial City last week and I could believe how many shoppers had no mask. Thankfully HEB gently reminds people to wear them.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    No shoes, no shirt, no service for nearly 200 years. Add no mask and suddenly we’re oppressed. GMAFB to all the covidiots and ambulance chasers who support the fat fascist* and want to call a health measure ‘totalitarianism.’

    I’d advise the proprietors to provide those 10 cents a copy masks to the covidiots free of charge, while the rest of do our civic duty while shopping wearing our own masks.

  4. Steve in Beaverton says:

    Recently, my daughter was at a local chain grocery store (in Beaverton) and a guy was calling store employees and customers wearing masks “F…ing idiots”, and those not “true patriots.” He might have had some mental issues, but look who he follows, Covidiot 45, who we know has plenty of mental issues. Surprised he didn’t have an assault rifle over his shoulder.

  5. I watched this video of a woman railing on about wearing a mask, the store manager offered to shop for her, and she repeatedly said “how do I pay? I’m not giving you my private payment information!” I thought, honey, how many times have you given your restaurant server your credit card without a second thought?

    She posted her brilliant constitutional arguments online, but it didn’t get the response she anticipated.

  6. lazrgrl says:

    I ventured out to a local nursery today -outdoors in a May breeze- and every single person was wearing a mask. No complaints.

    The more comments I read the more I think New England needs a bigly, strong and beautiful wall. Or maybe to become a province of Canada.

  7. Old Fart says:

    How career limiting: Lawyers that follow the Law and not the dictates of their cash cow…

  8. AliceBeth says:

    I just wish you could all hear how loud my husband laughed when I read this to him.. It is rare to really laugh these days.

  9. Teh Gerg says:

    I go to a grocery store and most everyone has on a mask, including ALL the employees. Then I go to Walmart and almost nobody, including employees, has masks or gloves. Got my 2 items, self-checked out as quickly as possible, and have since stayed the heck out since.

  10. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Teh Gerg – now you know why I have avoided the Evil Empire (WallyWorld) for nearly 20 years.

    AliceBeth – it’s the first belly laugh I’ve gotten from my husband in weeks.

  11. Not everyone is masking up in Juneau but a pretty good majority of the people I see are wearing them. Even, surprisingly, when they are in their cars or on their bikes with nobody else near them.

    Alaska is gradually opening up, but I am sitting this one out until I see what happens.

  12. I would love to work for that law firm. My kind of people.

  13. All those “constitutional” protesters where ever they are, are dumber than boxes of hammers. Have they never heard of typhoid and Typhoid Mary, the cook who was an unknowing carrier? Have noticed that the majority of them were born AFTER the big polio scare of some years ago. And i bet they discarded in every way the ebola scare in this country not that long ago. Hey, after all, they are “special”. They are immune – – until they find out they are not and the sheets on the hospital bed are wrinkled.

  14. I have totally stopped going to the grocery stores near where i live. Almost no one (this is a retirement community, mind you) was wearing a mask in the stores. The stupid runs old and deep in this red state. Only some of the store staff were wearing masks. I thank G-d I am fortunate to be able to use the Air base commissary here. The Base Commander has instituted the following rule is: no mask, no entry. Period. Safer for everyone.

  15. These are probably the same people who scream “personal responsibility” at others they view as moochers & slackers. Yet they don’t see wearing masks as taking responsibility for their own or others’ health.
