The Law of Political Thermodynamics: If The Heat Is On Someone Else, It’s Not On You.
Thank you, North Carolina. You make Texas look good.
North Carolina used to be my favorite foreign state. I went there any chance I got and Bubba and I considered retiring there.
But, we’ve changed our minds. We were hoping to retire from having to fight crazy, mean people and North Carolina went blue in 2008. Not so much now.
North Carolina House Majority Leader Paul “Skip” Stam went all up the side of the head of The North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Her name is June Atkinson and she believes that private schools and public schools in the state should take the same standardized tests.
Atkinson said she would like to see students at private and public schools take the same tests so parents can compare scores. She also said private schools should receive performance grades based on student achievement, just as public schools will.
The legislature upped the testing requirement for private schools, but schools can choose which national tests to administer and don’t have to report scores unless they enroll more than 25 students with vouchers.
Skip Stam’s reaction to that?
“She should stick to her own knitting,” said the Apex Republican.
I can’t retire to North Carolina now. I can’t. I would go to jail for knitting needling assault.