The Last Time Texas Fought Over States Rights …

December 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, it seems to me that Republicans in the Texas legislature would remember that Texas has not been real successful in wars against the union over states rights.

Republicans are big on States but not so much on United.

per17215Texas Republican Representative Dan Flynn, an old rich white guy from East Texas (heavy sigh), has decided that we are going to set up a panel of 14 legislators to vote on which federal laws we will follow and which ones we won’t.  It’s called nullification.

Flynn wants this committee to be bipartisan.  So, only 8 of the 14 members can be Republicans.  That’s fair.

As James Madison warned early in American history, nullification would “speedily put an end to the Union itself” because it would render each obligation a state’s citizens owe to the union as a whole optional. In effect, nullification is a way to secede from the union one law at a time.

Remember that part about Republicans wanting to follow the Constitution?  They are having second thoughts about that.  Assuming they have any thought at all.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.

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