The Last Straw…

February 12, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Alternative Facts, Lie, Trumpists

We all know that George Santos (or whatever his real name is) is a lying shitbag who has no business being anywhere near the seat of government, much less occupying a seat in the US House of Representatives.  To be fair, there are a lot of lying shitbags in Congress, but this particular shitbag is singularly accomplished in his volume of lying about everything from his ethnicity to his education to…well, just about everything.

But he’s worse than that – he’s a dog napper and abuser, and that’s where I draw the line.  We already know how he raised money to save a veteran’s dog that had cancer and then absconded with the money while bragging about “saving 3,000 dogs”.  It doesn’t stop there – in the Washington Post this morning there is a story about how Santos stole 5 Labrador Retrievers from an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania.  He promised to “wire $5,000” to him, but vanished.  He finally wrote checks to the farmer that bounced.  According to the farmer, he filed charges against Santos, but the charges were later dismissed after some kind of settlement.  Santo apparently did this to several breeders, writing over $15,000 in hot checks and then putting the dogs up for “adoption” and pocketing the money.

So, Santos screwed over a lot of people before lying his way into Congress; that makes him a shitbag and shame on those people for believing him.  But doing it to dogs?  That’s unforgivable and the last straw.  This guy has to go.


0 Comments to “The Last Straw…”

  1. –Republican– Rep. George Santos [one of his names], a Puppy-knapping Son Of A Bitch!!
    Stealing and fencing PUPPIES, for jumping jeebus on a cracker! Can anybody go any lower?

    Could Santos be the ultimate evolutionary product of Republicanism?

    Here, to take your beset, bewildered, and beleaguered minds off of ‘them’ for a while. I stumbled upon a treasure trove of the works of the immortal Molly Ivins, enjoy:
    From the ‘Digital Collection of The Briscoe Center for American History’=

    Ivins, Molly, papers [and tons of videos, recordings, articles, magazines, interviews, etc]:

  2. A lying shitbag and crook you say?
    If he was blond and had big ta ta’s tRump would ask him to be his vice president nomination. And Fox ‘Hate’ News would hire him as a political consultant. That boy will go far in the GOP

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    Great find, Sandridge! First thing I saw was the photo of “Ann Richards, Janet Reno, and Molly Ivins at a table”. That was more brainpower and human decency than the entire GOP could dredge up nowadays, even if they filled a football stadium.

    As for the dogs, I’m more concerned about what Santos did with them, especially if he was unable to sell them immediately. He does not seem the kind to provide food, vet care, or a home if they could not be turned for fast profit.

    BTW, locally the GOP response to Santos is that it’s the fault of the Democrats (!!). Because the Dems failed to do adequate background checking on the Republican candidate. After all, it’s not *their* job to do oppo research on their own candidates, it’s the responsibility of their opponents, the Democrats. So we should feel ashamed and embarrassed, although I’m a bit short of those emotions in this matter.

  4. Bob Ralston says:

    I think he represents the high standards of the GOP.
    Hes the top, after him the rest are even lower.
    They are just better at hiding it than him.
    They are mad,–Mad– he got outed,And they might be next.

  5. Lost in the angst is that Amish dog breeders run puppy mills. Not to excuse Santos (or whatever his/her name is) but the scammer hit some real despicable operators. It would be great to hear that the pups are ok.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The fact that repugnantican House leadership appointed Santos to two committees even after knowing about his serial lying, says a lot about the Qgop. Guess they were impressed by his skills in getting people to believe his BS, like being the producer of a Spider-Man Broadway musical. Santos “temporarily” stepped down from his committee assignments, but that doesn’t clean up the character of the house R leadership.

  7. The Guy From Ipanema strikes again. He may have made false statements to the police

  8. I’d like to know if Santos was given a security clearance given his lies about his name, his education, where he lived, finances, etc.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    The GOP doesn’t seem interested at all about a real live documented liar walking around taking bribes from anyone, or at least Kevin McCarthy, yet Hunter Biden’s laptop that was stolen still is a thing!

  10. While awaiting any action from Squish McCarthy, Santos needs to be hung around the neck of every GOP MoC like an albatross.

  11. I watched a youtube clip of an interview he did on Newsmax recently. It was stunning to see, even when you know he’s blatantly lying, how totally convincing he is. Oozing sincerity.
    He thinks fast, I’ll say that for him. Scary actually just how fast.

    For example, it was pointed out on Midas Touch (Ben Meiselas) that Santos claimed he started his so-called DeVolder Company (that was very successful and supposedly funded his campaign) in 2003 (at which time he was something like 13 years old).

    Even Trump couldn’t out-lie this guy.

  12. Wonder if George remembers what his ACTUAL name is ?!

  13. Andrew Zachary says:

    Today, the NYTimes reports that $365,000 in Santos’ campaign spending is unaccounted for. And that’s in addition to the unexplained $700,000 “loan” to his campaign that supposedly came from his own personal funds.

  14. Andrew Zachary says:

    George Santos isn’t an aberration, he is indeed represents the core values of the modern Republican party, as evinced by this thoughtful, well-researched article in WaPo. Santos is a mere piker if we judge him by the standards established by Trump and Kushner. I suggest we continue to focus on the biggest corruption, and ignore the side-show that is George Santos in drag.

  15. Well I’ll be gawddamned, somebody [one ‘Laurel in CA’] on Daily Kos ‘plagiarized’ my comment #1 above; about Molly Ivins, with the obscure ‘Briscoe Center’ link that I had been researching things on recently, and turned it into an article/diary over there that got 119 comments and a top billing. 99% certain that this is what happened..

    Sonuvabitch! The reason I really get ticked off about stuff like this is that throughout my school and work career I have had some of my ideas, work product, and creativity [which has always sort of just flowed off my fingertips..] literally stolen, plagiarized, and credited to others, by co-workers and such.
    And it really pisses me off.
    An example, with a multi-million dollar payoff, was one summer working in a sm-med sized ‘family-owned’ manufacturing company [such places are some of the worst imaginable to work]; I was ~20yo and going to uni.
    I carefully observed a series of product manufacturing process steps that resulted in a constant quality control problem that required an entire other repair section to correct, at great expense.
    I formulated and began testing and verifying on my own initiative, several simple steps to be taken at the head-end of this process which completely eliminated the very expensive quality problem.
    Before I could formalize and present my solution to the company, the [virtually useless] daughter and son of the owner, ‘part of’ the management, had watched what I did. They then surreptitiously took credit for it, implemented MY process modifications into the production chain, and reaped enormous benefits from it! And, as I only found out decades later, PATENTED my process! Yes, I have proof, though I imagine the witnesses are all long dead..
    Goddamned thieving sonsabitches.

    For another example—
    Remembering Molly Ivins: I sure do miss her!:

    Go ahead, prove me wrong…
