The Last Puppy Kristi Noem Killed

May 23, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

You’ve seen it mentioned before here, but there is an as-yet unrevealed endgame to Kristi Noem’s Saga of Cricket (and The Goat). And it comes to us courtesy of Brave Books and social media.

As previously mentioned, Brave Books is a book publisher that specializes in Kid Lit right-wing religious tropes that are designed to indoctrinate today’s youth to detest anyone and anything politically to the left of Atilla The Hun.

They contract with the stars of the constellation MAGA to produce high-dollar paperback children’s books. Stars like Sean Spicer, Lara Trump, General Mike Flynn, and … and … Kimberly Guilfoyle have all authored books under contract with Brave Books.

But here’s a homework assignment: go to the Brave Books website and enter the search term “The Princess & Her Pup” in the Search box. Know what you’ll get?


Oh yes, you get results, just no Guilfoyle book.

Kimberly Guilfoyle’s kid lit book, entitled “The Princess & Her Pup” is not to be found anywhere on Brave Books website, yet it clearly shows in this screenshot of her announcement from HERE.

But you can still find the Brave Books page that promotes Kim’s book. It’s just that you have to click HERE to do it.

That’s because Brave Books has apparently de-linked the page from the rest of their website. Apparently, because try as you might, you cannot access THIS PAGE from THIS ONE.

“Why?” You might ask.

Answer: Kristi Noem.

For the full explanation you need to see this article from Yahoo News .

That’s right. It’s all in the timing of book release dates.

Kristi Noem’s tell-all – where she admits to killing a poor puppy and a goat – was dropped on May 7th, but not before The Guardian put out an advance review of it on April 26th. Suffice it to say, we now know that offing a puppy for its poor behavior is not a mainstream idea unless you are one of the 1.2% of Americans who identify as farmers.

But guess when The Princess & Her Puppy dropped? April 29th. There is even a live link there at her X (formerly Twitter 😆) page to the de-linked Brave Books page (click on the hypertext

But try and find it from the Brave Books homepage, and you are outta luck.

Could that be because, as the release of Guilfoyle’s book was announced on “X”, it got entwined with the South Dakota governor’s horrific story?

Or is it because, for another $13.00, you can buy the book in a Biden Chew Toy bundle?

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0 Comments to “The Last Puppy Kristi Noem Killed”

  1. I’m waiting for Trump’s childrens book about their dog Chappy.
    “Watch My Foot Make Chappy Fly!”

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    Well spotted, Half Empty. Good job on pursuing the links and tying it together.

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    What if Noem had shot the dictator and made friends with the dog?

  4. Fenway Fran says:

    The Joe Bite-m chew toy bundle is just a wee bit sick, but I had to click on it. These people are in serious need of mental health professionals. Excellent sleuthing, HE!
