The Last Damn Thing
I have a beloved friend who is a retired Presbyterian minister. He’s as liberal as they come, you know, like Jesus. He’s also non-judgemental, you know, like Jesus. He’s in his upper 80’s and except for a few incidents daily of “why did I come into this room,” his mind works like it did in college.
Last week, he tried to convince me that maybe, just maybe, Trump is the anti Christ. Let me say here that I don’t believe in Armageddon. He’s not sure that he does either, but if it is true, it could be Trump. He teased me that I should go get some locust spray.
And then, the Washington Post prints this today.
Oh yeah, that’s exactly what I wanted to see.
Oh well, at least we don’t have to go out and stock up on hurricane supplies. We’ve got that covered.
For those keeping track, the hurricane season starts June 1st.