The King of the Hill and Hillary.

August 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’re gonna love this.  Feisty little Reince Priebus is now director of programming at NBC and CNN.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus threatened to pull the group’s partnership with NBC and CNN for 2016 GOP presidential primary debates if the networks moved ahead with plans to air films on Hillary Clinton.

“If they have not agreed to pull this programming prior to the start of the RNC’s Summer Meeting on August 14, I will seek a binding vote stating that the RNC will neither partner with these networks in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates they sponsor,” Preibus said in a statement.

Woo woo.

So Reince is threatening to cloud up and rain on their parade?  You know the proper response to this, right?  “Hey Sparky, one more word outta you, and we won’t carry your boring debates.”

And Reince, the next time you threaten to bite off your nose to spite your face, you might wanna go pee in the wind instead.

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0 Comments to “The King of the Hill and Hillary.”

  1. OldMayfly says:

    Watch out, Democrats! This is a trick. The more the public sees of those Republican bozos the more their numbers fall.

    What a perfect excuse for the Repubs to avoid naming the three–Oopsie!–two cabinet positions they’d shut down.

    Bad as he was, Mitt might have had a chance if he could have stayed off camera and laid low. (But those cameras were even in “quiet rooms.”)

  2. Could this possibly mean we won’t have to mute, change channels or be bombarded by the RNC’s dispicable ads? That would be a blessing unto itself!!

    Geez … what a self-serving little p_____, rhymes with “trick.”

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    But have we all forgotten how entertaining the Republican debates were last go around?

  4. Most Repubs don’t watch anything other than Fox anyway. Hasn’t this boycott already happened?

  5. Marge Wood says:

    You think all those GOPs making threats and holding their collective breaths and turning blue might make ’em all explode suddenly?

  6. Drat it all. OldMayfly beat me to it. I just penned a missive to the RNC detailing my thoughts on that very subject. I certainly hope they aren’t amused.

  7. Litlhorn says:

    I just worry about all that idiocy floating out there in the broadcast spectrum. If I was an Alien, trying to decide if this little planet was in need of blowing up or something, scanning the spectrum and finding Michelle Bachman and the rest of those idiots might just make me pull the trigger…..

  8. I have a nephew who had a little friend named “Lance” whose name always came out of my nephew’s mouth as “Rance,” usually followed by “who rives down the fweet.” I always think of that 3-year-old mentality when I see this dude’s name…

  9. When Reince was a child, he would often threaten to take his baseball home if the other kids didn’t play by his rules. He tried to keep kids on the other team from voting, I mean playing, and never bothered to find anyone for his team who could hit, throw, or would practice. Eventually, even the kids on his side realized he made them all look like twerps.

  10. I once observed a good friend and prominent labor organizer from my state lean back from the table during a meeting with a whining, sniveling, threatening, bully, of a Republican legislator, and say, “Son, I know the difference between a thunderstorm and someone pi**ing in a fan. You might want to rethink that before you get some on your shoes.” Sounds like Reince to me…

    Mama, I hope that was ok, I did put in **s although the labor leader in question did not.

  11. Ellen Childress says:

    Twerp is the word ! These guys are just having a ball , saying anything that comes to mind, refusing to back down in any disagreement, threatening the media giants, purporting to have the power to shut the government down if it doesn’t do what they want ! I have stopped watching any news on the tube except Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert. With them, I can at least have an opportunity to laugh. And that is exactly what the republican party has turned into . . . . a joke. A bad joke, I must say, but a joke nevertheless. They are nothing but a bunch of blowhards with little brain power and a real mean streak. They are so anal retentive that I suggest they were potty trained at gunpoint.

  12. donquijoterocket says:

    @ litlhorn- I suspect you’re correct and along with that it might be the reason for the insight that the real measure of alien intelligence,if there are indeed aliens,is that they’ve not tried to contact us in an open manner.

  13. Al Alvarez says:

    Thinking back just a few years: Wasn’t it a anti-Hillary documentary on Hillary that got the repubs ball rolling all the way to the Supreme Court? Wasn’t that little effort called “Citizens United?”

    This Hillary lady continues to strike fear in a lot of people’s red hearts . . .even if they have no idea why…they’ll make it up…just saying.

  14. Sam in Kyle says:

    Can’t they do one on Sarah Palin called the “Bimbo Chronicles”?

  15. It’s just too funny that the RNC boyz/girlz are so afraid of little Hillary Clinton. Reminds me of when a few of us parents tried to get Little League to allow our girls to play on the boys’ teams. There really weren’t that many girls who wanted to play with the boys. However, the mere effort struck fear in the Little League Board’s collective hearts. 80% of the team coaches voted yes, but the Board voted no unanimously. So a bunch of us formed a Girls Softball League & got half the city’s funding & use of ball diamonds plus half of the funding from around town. That first summer 650 girls signed up & it grew to over 1600 girls. The city eventually had to build a park with diamonds for the girls.

    Poor Mr. Priebus doesn’t understand the adage “beware of what you want – you might get it!”

  16. OleScout says:

    Just think! A Presidential debate with only print journalists, instead of those insipid Yankee refugees who live in Atlanta.

  17. Charles Phillips says:

    Gee, so we won’t be bored senseless with republican talking points for 15 weeks in a row? Man, how will we survive?

  18. Reince Priebus sounds like a particularly nasty skin condition to me. Just sayin’.

  19. What RP is really afraid of is that TV viewers will see that the GOP needs a bigger clown car.
