The King of Petty

December 12, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Trump flew into a rage this morning after Greta Thunberg, the 16 year old climate activist, was named Person of the Year by Time Magazine.  He then attacked her on Twitter causing an even greater backlash.

As if that were bad enough, the Team Trump showed up to get even more petty.  They tweeted out the Time cover with Trump’s face photoshopped onto Thunberg’s body:

To make it worse, they posted the picture with 4 lies:

  • Booming Economy (It’s not)
  • Record Job Creation (Wrong)
  • Historic Tax Cuts (That are causing record deficits and slashes to fundamental programs)
  • #AmericaFirst Trade Deals (Not Really.  And causing the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs)
  • ISIS Destroyed (Not hardly)
  • Building the Wall (Not really, and stealing money from the military in the process)

There’s no stunt too silly, no insult too low, no pettiness more petty than from Trump.


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