The Kids Are Fighting Again

August 01, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Is this ever a “dog bites man” story. Just imagine this: Industrialist billionaires seeking tax breaks and de-regulation have traditionally supported the Republican candidate for President of the US. How many times since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution has that not been the case?

It’s just one of our Truths.

Now look at traditionally liberal Silicon Valley. The valley of youthful inspiration. The valley of Woz and Jobs in their garage innovating a miniature computer. Look there, and you see a microcosm of the schism that has spread out from coast to coast.

They all started out together. Young and idealistic. They went to the same schools. They knew each other. Later on, they formed business alliances and joined the same clubs.

Now they’re at each others’ throats…figuratively, that is.

All because of ‘heads versus hearts’, the classic schism that still challenges humanity. Or in the modern case: “those who are supporting Trump to protect their company’s bottom line versus those backing the Democrats over social issues, such as abortion.

The divide between us couldn’t be clearer or more raw than what we see in San Jose. In this corner, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel (and others of their greed-soaked ilk). Arrayed against them: Melinda Gates and Mark Zuckerberg (and other heroes of “small D” democracy and what is right and good in America).

Before we had the robber barons: Chase, Getty, Huntington, Carnegie, ad nauseum. Now we have new ones to fill their money grubbing shoes. As the song goes, “Everything old is new again.”

0 Comments to “The Kids Are Fighting Again”

  1. KM Williams says:

    Musk, Thiel and Sacks were not a part of the original Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

    They are all from South Africa, and they came slithering along in the mid-90s, and did what carpetbaggers do, stealing ideas from other entrepreneurs, buying up businesses, “investing” with money from their wealthy families. And getting filthy rich thru speculation on the stock market.

    The were (still are) parasites sucking up Silicon Valley’s innovation and wealth.

    And now they are demanding idolization for their awful behavior, and apparently, working to buy the US Presidency and subject our country to their brutal bigotry and misogyny.

  2. KM Williams says:

    … and another thing! It makes me happy to think they are going to get a tase of comeuppance from a Black Woman.

  3. Peter Thiel bankrolled Hulk Hogan and put Gawker out of business. Why? Because they mentioned he was gay. Maybe Gawker was fearlessly snarky one to many times, maybe Thiel thought plutocracy and gay didn’t mix. Or maybe he became so accustomed to controlling everything and everyone around him he had to dish out a hefty dose of retribution. He doesn’t seem the type to fly a rainbow flag, but I don’t know.

    He does seem like he enjoys lawyers and a good fight, like Trump.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    KM- yes!
    It’s apparent how greed is their creed.

    There was an article today about how JD Vance was given a hero’s welcome in red farm country CA. The jist is farmers and rural voters don’t give a shit about anyone outside their environment, i.e they despise Democrats and what they stand for. The irony is they have been brainwashed to think the current repugnantican party headed by their cult leader gives a shit about them.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just to clarify, not all farmers and rural Americans hate democrats, but a high majority are under the spell of the trumpf cult.

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    Robber barons reproduce. Richard Mellon Scaife and Tim Mellon.

    By the way, Melinda Gates is not a Silicon Valley bro. Just a rich divorcee.
