The Jig Should Really be Up

December 30, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Trump, Ukraine Shakedown

The NY Times published an explosive report yesterday tying the facts in the Ukrainian scandal together through thousands of pages of testimony and documents and from interviews with dozens of former and current administration officials.  In short, the story tells us that knowledge and assistance of Trump’s effort to extort Ukraine to announce a sham investigation of the Biden’s was much broader and deeper than anyone to this point has been willing to admit.  Also, it shows that alarm of career staffers to Trump’s and Rudy’s plan was high and ongoing.  This report really should be Trump’s Oh Shit moment.

As evidence piles up confirming everything and more that the whistleblower reported it’s becoming more and more important that the media keep Trump’s and his enablers’ feet to the fire, especially Mitch McConnell.  As Greg Sargent said in the Washington Post this morning, it is critical that the media stop equivocating and saying that this is just another political standoff and call what the Republicans are doing what it really is…obstruction and a cover up of corruption and criminal activity by Trump.

And that’s not the only thing they should be reporting; they should be reporting and amplifying EVERY crime Trump commits and every time he violates his oath of office.  And I don’t mean adding to the list of thousand of lies he’s told, but reporting them on the front page in a continuous stream.  Like the speech Bolton gave last month at a Morgan Stanley client conference where he admitted that Trump made national security decisions simply to benefit himself, especially in Turkey where he walked away from the Kurds to protect his hotels in Istanbul from Erdogan’s retaliation.  That’s goddam blackmail, and Trump is vulnerable to that from every country where he has properties and where he’s beholding, like Russia.

Sargent goes on to say that Trump is blocking the very people who were active in, and had direct knowledge of, the very wrongdoing for which he is being impeached and the risk for blowback when hard evidence comes out later (and it will).  So, if McConnell succeeds in holding a sham trial, calling no witnesses, and acquitting Trump, the stink will be on him and every other enabler who aided in the coverup.  The courts and federal agencies will eventually force the evidence out; that is a certainty, and could lead to a second impeachment if Trump wins the 2020 election when hopefully the House and Senate would be in Democratic hands.

I’ll be popping popcorn for that.


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