The Great Beyond

September 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a chance, a pretty good chance, that Roy Moore is gonna be the next United States senator from Aladamnbama.

Moore is so damn nuts that Trump went to Alabama to defend his title as Head Crazy Guy in DeeCee by endorsing Moore’s opponent.  But Moore has a secret weapon – God Hisownself.

Moore talking on CNN.

“You wonder why we’re having shootings, and killings here in 2017? Because we’ve asked for it. We’ve taken God out of everything. We’ve taken prayer out of school, we’ve taken prayer out of council meetings.”

You’d think everybody would have notice that there were no killings and crap before 1962. Or, that the increased of availability of guns has anything at all to do with this.

And to prove that Moore has God on his side, he even touted the endorsement of the infamous Phyllis Schlafly.  Schlafly died a year ago at age 92, proving that the good die young. She stopped most of her endorsements and public appearances following her death.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “The Great Beyond”

  1. Really no killings before 1962! If I had the time I would compile a list. Someone can do that I am sure.

  2. My apologies , I thought that idiot said” no killing before 1962″. Sometimes I read so quickly I get enraged , I should dread twice, then comment. oops

  3. Some super pac or the other advertises they will bring Caribou Barbie and Sebastard Gorka to Ala-damn-bama for some sort of to do Thursday. It will take weeks to clean the scum out of Union Station once the Moore supporters leave.
    What a bunch of Drumpf-panzees.

  4. This guy has snubbed his nose at court orders. Doesn’t that make him some kind of contempt of court felon? If so, why is he even allowed to run for office. If he does make it on Election Day, he is going to find out that Cruz does not like competition when it comes to crazy-itis. Things could be getting smoking hot in the Senate chamber! And I hope there are a number of salon fans who recall American history as in Huey Long and being censured and actually thrown out of the Senate all because of his own mouth!

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Ooo… ooo… I just thought of a great campaign slogan for him: Moore For Your Money. Too soon?

  6. Fred Farklestone says:

    If anyone deserved to be fragged it was Moore! Moore is nothing more than a American terrorist armed with a bible!

    “With the Vietnam War underway, Moore first served in several posts as a military police officer, including Fort Benning, Georgia, and Illesheim, Germany before being sent to South Vietnam. Serving as company commander of his military police unit, Moore was known to be very strict. Some of the soldiers gave him the derogatory nickname, “Captain America,” because of his attitude toward discipline. His role earned him several enemies, and in his autobiography he recalls sleeping on sandbags to avoid a grenade or bomb being tossed under his cot, as many had threatened fragging the commander.”

    For those of you who don’t what the term “fragging” mean read on!

  7. Too bad they missed. Moore is an abomination.

  8. Anybody who ignores federal court orders and advises others to do so should thereby have eliminated himself from consideration for office. But not in CrazyPants GOP America!

    On the other hand, someone may bring up “sanctuary cities” to me….

  9. Folks, we actually have an excellent Democratic candidate running for the seat, Doug Jones! And he has a real chance of winning!!

  10. No prayer at council meetings?

    I’ve personally delivered the prayer at the opening of school board meetings when the minister of my church had a scheduling conflict and couldn’t be there (I am a seminary grad but not on the ordination track).

    Maybe he’s talking about folks like us UU’s who don’t give a “traditional” prayer at the beginning of council meetings…

  11. Schlafly is dead? I’m REALLY glad there’s no such thing as coming back from the dead. But, I wish there really WERE a hell.

  12. Hah! Just to prove the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, his daughter is the head of the “Foundation for Moral Law,” a two bit RW hack organization that left out the two letters “Im” from the front of the third word in their title. This family is an abomination to the nation. When is the election and how do we contribute to Doug Jones?

  13. So when his fellow evangelicals yell ‘Oh god, oh god’ when committing adultery, they are really trying put God back into adultery and to decrease rates of adultery for all of us.

    Good to know.
