The Government Shutdown Does Not Include Ted Cruz’s Mouth
He eats bullets for breakfast so he can shoot off his mouth all day long.
Ted Cruz: the man who didn’t say what he just said. On Saturday night in Virginia —
Cruz, who spoke without notes for nearly an hour, said Republicans would win the shutdown fight but offered little in the way of concrete solutions.
But then on Sunday, he denied saying that.
“You talked last night — you were at a Virginia Republican event in Richmond and said Republicans will win this,” Crowley said. “And by that, I believe you meant what you wanted in exchange for a spending bill. What does win this mean to you? What does that have to look like for a Republican victory?”
But the junior senator from Texas denied the premise of Crowley’s question.
“Let me be clear, I didn’t say Republicans will win this,” he said. “Listen, I think career politicians in both parties have been part of the problem. What I said is the American people are going to win.”
Because by “we” and “Republicans” he means the American people. The Democrats and us are not the American people. We are teenage mutant zombie turtle communist socialists illegal aliens and probably regular aliens from Mars who hate America and who are not obsessed with Obamacare like we should be.
Polls have shown that Americans overwhelmingly oppose shutting down the government to stop the Affordable Care Act. A Quinnipiac University poll released last week also found that 58 percent are opposed to Congress cutting off funding for the law.
Here’s my opinion. By “we”, Ted Cruz means himself and three dozen old guys in Florida who want you to get the hell off their lawn.