The Goofball Heard ‘Round The World. Rick’s Starting a Holy War.

September 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s Rick Perry.

His brains are oozing out his ears.  Or something.

During a conference call with evangelicals on Tuesday, Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) called upon “Christian warriors” and “Christian soldiers” to “stand our ground” against President Barack Obama, who he said is trying to ”remove any trace of religion from American life,” a message inspired by “Satan” himself.

Oh dear Lord, now he’s talking to the devil.  Hell, even crazy old Clint Eastwood only talks to empty chairs.  Rick’s got the devil on speed dial just to check on Obama status updates.

And then there’s that whole really confusing thing about Christian Mitt Romney wanting 47% of the country to wither away and die while Devil Obama wants to care for his fellow humans like, you know, that Jesus fella said to do.

Then that wacky pastor Rick Scarborough credited the governor’s spirituality with ending the Texas drought.  No, no, hot damn no.  Please ‘splain to me why Rick Perry let Bastrop, Texas, burned to the ground.   Why didn’t he say a prayer for them?  He was too busy that day.

Now he’s got the Steeple People all riled up to go to war.  If they don’t get to shoot somebody for Jesus, they are gonna be real upset.

Thanks to everybody who sent me this.

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