The Good News

January 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, damn.  I am sorry to hear that the Republicans backed down on their gut of the ethics committee, but speaking of gut, I was looking forward to writing about this:


Yep – and everybody in South Texas went ho-hum when he was accused of sexual harassment.

That’s the Republicans who want to forget about ethics.

Thank y’all for raising hell about it.

Thanks to Don A for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Good News”

  1. OH, goodie! I had hoped to have totally forgotten this particular pix that etched its way onto my brain the first time I saw it. Now I will never be able to “unseen” it! Duckie man needs to be led quietly back to the family attic and the door permanently locked.

  2. “What, Me Worry?” says Alfred E. Farenthold in his stretched-to-the-limit P.J’s. Well the Rethugs showed their hand right off the bat, gutting the ethics committee. Let’s hope there are future public relations disasters down the road which so enrage voters that they are voted out in the next 2 years.

  3. Maryelle, you beat me to it. Alfred E Neumann grew up, gained a lot of weight, and discovered strippers on the way to Washington.

  4. Feeling guilty, I assume, most more-or-less progressive pundits have spent at least some of their time since the election rationalizing their unwillingness to apply to Trump the same zealous attention they gave to Hillary. Many are saying we should not be as easily distracted as they were by what the Republicans will try to get away with as the majority party. Trump has absolutely mastered the “Oh, look, a butterfly!” technique.

    So, when they try to abolish the ethics committee, it’s probably a distraction and they’re really doing something else behind the scenes they don’t want us to see. We need to keep an eye on their sleight of hand moves, not watching that butterfly flitting away but at something far more sinister.

    You just know the media are watching that butterfly.

  5. @PP

    I’m betting the blond in that image is not a stripper.

    Now since we know duckie boy is a prostitute….

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie promised to drain the swamp. How did he miss that critter?

  7. Ya think this might be a setup to make trump look good…

  8. slipstream says:

    I always say, if you can’t trust a man wearing baby duckie pajamas, who can you trust?

    He don’t need no stinkin’ ethics committee.

  9. JJ, since you’ve inflicted this one on us again, can I ask you to PLEASE never again show us Ted Cruz smirking in a smoking jacket? It’s been through at least twice, and last time my dry heaves were so bad I frightened the cats.

    Glad the good folks raised hell and got the snacilbupeR to back down. Reminds me of someone saying that what we need to stop fascists and would-be dictators is someone to stand up and yell, “Hey! Look at what this little glassbowl’s doing over here!”

  10. Well, technically, wasn’t his more of a moral rather than an ethical lapse? Granted, it’s sometimes too close to call.

  11. 1smartcanerican says:

    Nice slap upside the head ala Gibbs in NCIS to the stupid GOP trying to pull a fast one – and imagine, on ethics yet! Let’s hope there a more slaps upside the head as time goes on with these fools.

  12. I think R’s have only delayed the gutting of ethics till there is a large pile of bad legislation proposed in hope that no one will be paying attention to this. They will probably gut ethics in February or March.
    Poor Sissy having to share the name.

  13. Opinionated Hussy says:

    O Lord, I can’t unsee that. I fear I’m scarred for life!

  14. The Repubs have got themselves a bad case of “Be careful what you wish for.”

    They now have the power to do a lot of things they’ve wanted and claimed to want for years.

    Re wanted, many of the things they want are repulsive and clearly unethical, as in this case. And since they’re in charge there’s a chance they will be held accountable.

    The claims are worse for them. Why would they really want to repeal ObamaCare when it’s been such a marvelous issue for them? They’ve raised money and stirred their base to rally behind repealing ObamaCare. But if they do the logical question is what will they replace it with? They might actually be expected to govern.

    Roe vs. Wade is even trickier. It it’s repealed it becomes a rallying point for the other side.

    May they have an interesting year.

  15. Bob Boland says:

    I’m curious why the Dems didn’t beat the Repubs over the head with their “repeal and replace” antics re: Obamacare. For those of us older than 30 (40?) there was the “killing” of the Clinton healthcare plan by the Repubs with an assist from the AMA. Remember that one? Newtie and the boys proclaimed that if they were elected in ’94 they would offer the American people a good healthcare plan, not one that was so oppressively bureaucratic. Well. it’s been 22 years now and there still isn’t a Republican offered healthcare plan (well, technically, as Alan Grayson explained, the Republican healthcare plan for America is “don’t get sick. And if you do, die quickly”).

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    Isn’t the term “Congressional Ethics” an oxymoron???

    And the only way “Duckie” could have gotten that close to someone that pretty would be to be paying for her company.


  17. daChipster says:

    GeneB, FTW.

  18. WA Skeptic, I’d like a definition of your “pretty”. She looks “pretty skanky” to me. And I wouldn’t want to get bit by her.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Dinner for two and a night with Ivanka for anyone who makes the above image of Duckie Boy go away.

  20. Jane & PKM, Chrome already offers an app that replaces pictures of Trump with pictures of kittens.

    Perhaps if we all ask they’ll do the same for other radical right vermin. Failing that, just keep a picture of a kitten handy.

  21. Fran Seyer says:

    I bet the lady in the pix needed a big ole shower after being touched by him.

  22. this clown looks like the next door neighbor serial murderer, but without the class.

  23. “I bet the lady in the pix needed a big ole shower after being touched by him.”

    she may still be working on getting that slime out, bleach only goes so far.
