The Ghost of Nixon Cometh

December 05, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

The parallels between Trump and Nixon’s administration are getting downright creepy.  We all knew that Nixon was a crook.  We know that Trump is a crook.  We remember the Watergate break-ins, using the FBI to spy on political enemies, and the Plumbers, Nixon’s private espionage and revenge squad.

Welp, Nixon’s ghost has risen from it’s Watergate grave and is now stalking the halls of the West Wing.  Erik Prince, criminal and founder of discredited and disbanded Blackwater, a mercenary company that infamously killed over a dozen Iraqis in a shooting spree and got away with it, is back.  His sister?  Unbelievably, she’s Betsy DeVos, religious nut and anti-education zealot who is now…wait for it…Secretary of Education under Trump.  Prince is now “advising” White House staff, and has apparently proposed a private intelligence operation, loyal to no one but Trump, to operate OUTSIDE of US intelligence agencies to counter the delusional “Deep State” operation.  You know the Deep State theory, right?  That’s the one where Obama and a bunch of latte-sipping panty waists are actually running a shadow government out of Chicago to take down Trump.  Or some similar nonsense.

Apparently, Mike Pompeo, who Trump is planning to tap for Secretary of State as soon as he can snuff out Tillerson, has endorsed the plan, repeating the same BS that his own CIA operatives cannot be trusted.  It’s insane, and saturated with Nixonian paranoia and fabricated conspiracies.

Trump has gone completely off the rails.  He has no judgement, eats and thinks like a 12 year old high on airplane glue, careening around the White House from one end to the other, embracing every screwball theory and tweeting ridiculous BS in an almost continuous stream.  This is like Celebrity Apprentice merged with the Madness of King George, and House of Cards.

Our situation has gone from unbelievable to mildly entertaining to appalling to full on, sirens blaring, lights flashing red alert.  We all predicted this would be a disastrous presidency; but the rapidity in which it’s happening is simply breathtaking.

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