The Gays Made Me Smoke Marijuana

March 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Aladamnbama Chief Justice Roy Moore is the homophobic judge who stopped same-sex marriage in Alabama even though the US Supreme Court ordered them to continue.

Roy Moore is a perfect 10 in cringe worthiness.

Well, his 24 year old son is quite the wild one.  He proudly posted pictures of himself in college drinking and carrying on in a manner not fitting his moral upbringing.

“I must admit, the things people are saying about me on social media are for the most part true,” Caleb Moore wrote on Facebook. “I do have a past that I’m not proud of.. Thank God for salvation and changing my life.”

Mmmmmm … that must have been very recent.  Like maybe yesterday.

Moore-235x300According to the Montgomery Advertiser, Moore pleaded guilty on charges of possession of a controlled substance in 2013, and was charged with driving under the influence and drug possession in 2011. In March 2014, he was charged with use or possession of drug paraphernalia.

Now, I have to tell you that the son’s behavior is not newsworthy to me until … he started blaming the police and the news media for his troubles.  Last Sunday the police were called to the scene of a break-in.

When they searched the vehicle, they found a bag of marijuana, four Xanax pills and Caleb Moore’s passport, according to WFSA.

The arrest, Caleb Moore contended later, was just another scheme to frame him and smear his father.

“This is nothing more than a prime example of how media and crooked police officers and critics of my dad try to not only destroy his career for what he stands for but will go as far as trying to destroy his family,” Caleb Moore wrote on Facebook.

Caleb thinks the media and the cops are making him misbehave because, you know, gay people.  Isn’t that cute?

Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “The Gays Made Me Smoke Marijuana”

  1. I can BS on the ‘…Thank God for salvation and changing my life.’
    It was more likely his dad threatening to stop the flow of money that got him to change anything.

  2. My BS detector is ringing off the wall and it won’t mute no matter what I do.


  3. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. What a Loser.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    I am victim hear me whine.

    Habitual offender-life in prison should suit him.

  5. innerlooper says:

    An epiphany hit me afluenza became acceptable with the family values group. Repent your illness’s away & blame the less evolved.

  6. SteveTheReturned says:

    Keep talking, boy. You’re making your Daddy look really good. And never doubt that you’re doing God’s work.

  7. The media and police are trying to make his dad look bad? It doesn’t sound like they need any help, as Caleb is doing a pretty good job of it all by himself.

  8. Hey Judge, looks like your son is a chip off the old block, of cow dung. You sure did teach that young man some obnoxious attitude of entitlement. He’ll be an albatross round yer neck for the rest of his wasted life.

  9. Hey Judge! Bring your kid over here and I’ll slap him for ya.

  10. Wa Skeptic says:

    Typical “Preacher’s Kid” attitude: Sow your wild oats on Saturday night, go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure.

  11. The a**hole does not fall far from the tree.

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Whatever happened to “The devil made me do it”?

  13. Is “sonny-boy” saying that all the po-lease in Aladamnbama are pro-gay and pro-gay marriage? Somehow I don’t believe that is the case. No doubt judge-daddy has threatened sonny-boy with bad behavior instances about which the law is unaware.

  14. 1smartcanerican says:

    I’m surprised that sonny boy actually gets charged for failure to follow the law with his dad being who he is, and all. Maybe the police don’t cotton to Judge Moore and his chip-off-the-ol’-block kid? This kid has a severe case of “I am Somebody and I can do what I want”-itis. Hope he gets some time to sit and think about it!

  15. Where have I heard all this crap before? Oh, yeah! From every over entitled spoiled rich kid caught with their paw in the cooky jar! Nothing new to see here, folks. Please be on your way!

  16. maryelle says:

    A sociopath in the making.

  17. Sandridge says:

    Corinne Sabo says:
    March 18, 2015 at 1:55 pm
    Whatever happened to “The devil made me do it”?

    Since the GOPer’s formed a conglomerate with Lucifer Inc., the new all purpose whinexcuse is: “The libruls made me do it”. (substitute xxxxx for “libruls” as desired)
    Improbable as it seems, since we libruls are considered as weak and ineffective at anything by LucifGOP; amazing how our superpowers can only be used on they themselves.

  18. @Sandridge

    We did learn from Wilhelm von Kristol, via Jon Stewart, that the root cause for all this is known. Black muzak. Specifically the hippity hoppity. “How can those poor children know wrong from right, after being driven to madness by the irresistible power of the hippity-hoppity?” Who am I to argue???

  19. I’m not sure that negative references to “media and crooked police officers” is a sound strategy if you want good media reports and lenient police officers.

  20. gabberflasted says:

    If my Dad were Roy Moore, I believe I would at least consider a toke on occasion, like every damn day.
