The Frisco Kid

March 22, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Frisco is a little town 0f about 200,000 right outside of Dallas known for uppity white people.  They are rich, they are white, they hate taxes, and they vote Republican.

Not only that, they appear to be a large coven of Q witches.

Hope for Trump’s return is fervent in Frisco and across the north Dallas suburbs, an area of rapid growth and rapidly increasing diversity. Nineteen local residents have been charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to federal authorities, one of the largest numbers in any place in the country.

They are growing, being pushed by social media and mega churches that preach what borders on white nationalism.  By the way, all depictions of Jesus show him with curly blonde hair and blue eyes in those churches. The Kingdom Life Church is lead by Brandon Burden, who took to the pulpit and said …

Burden spoke in tongues and urged his flock of “warriors” to load their weapons and stock up on food and water as the transfer of power loomed. The emergency broadcast system might be tampered with, so if Trump “took over the country,” he could not tell them what to do, he said.

“We ain’t going silently into the night. We ain’t going down. This is Texas,” Burden preached.

Prophetic voices had decreed Trump would remain in office, he said.

Voices?  In Texas? Nah. The only voices in Texas are drunks walking home alone at 2:00 am.

Nineteen people (that we know of) from this small town is kinda more than you’d suspect.  The Q is strong in these people.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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