The French Are Coming and It’s Gonna Be All, “Obama est merveilleux!”

March 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just in case you thought that Louie Gohmert and Ted Cruz were riding in a two-seater clown car, along comes Senator John Cornyn of Texas who knows for a fact that French and Chinese people are coming across the border, and they probably have intent to cook food and criticize our wine.

“You gotta stop the flow of people coming across and my friends and your friends Edd who have places in South Texas tell me, as a matter a fact a guy told me last night, he said we’ve got people coming across our place speaking Chinese, French and basically all of the languages in the world, coming through and across our southern border,” Cornyn said during an interview on KSEV.

Okay, so here’s the scenario.  There are fewer people than ever crossing the border.  But “a guy” says that French people are crossing the border in Texas, probably intent on opening a restaurant called “Le Bon Taco” in Del Rio just to get health care.  No, wait.  They get free health care in France.  Maybe they’re nihilists, I dunno.

John Cornyn

I have no idea how the Chinese people got to Mexico, much less Brownsville,  Also, I have questions about whether “a guy” in Brownsville would know Chinese from Japanese or Korean if he heard it.

We haven’t even touched on the questions I have about whether there is even “a guy” or Cornyn has hit the tequila again.

Thanks to Gary, Brian and Kip for the heads up.

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